Fly Free!

This week P5ms released their butterflies. We named each one of them as we let them fly off.

Painted Lady butterflies live for two to five weeks – we hope they enjoy every minute of it. Good luck Amy, Benjamin, Simba, Big Mac and Jake!

This week we have been learning about endangered species. Our class app, Rockford’s Rock Opera, has been teaching us that humans are responsible for many animals being endangered.  Here are some of the things we have learned:

The rhino is endangered because people hunt it for its horn. They believe it can cure diseases.   Callum

The tiger is endangered because its habitat is being destroyed.         Harry

The Chinese River Dolphin is endangered because of pollution.           Jack

African Wild Dogs are being hunted for their fur and because people are scared of them.  Isla

The Coral reefs are suffering from global warming.     Kendal

Amsterdam Albatrosses are endangered because cattle and cats were brought to their island and destroyed their nesting ground.        Lauren C

Who’s raving about reading this week?

This week, during our Reading Rave, Antonia and Ellie were reading about women’s football. They shared with us information about a player called Mia Hamm. She is from the USA and has scored more international goals than any other player, male or female. They also discovered an interesting fact that women were banned from playing football in Brazil until 1975.

Thanks girls for sharing this information with us – it certainly led to a lot of interesting discussion!

From the Blog Post Box:

I am going to help protect our planet and the creatures that live on it by…..

…recycling paper to save the animals’ habitats.    Ellie

…switching off lights when I’m not using them.     Jack

…picking up litter.   Kyra


Lastly, it was lovely to hear from Amy. Thank you for posting on our blog. We are delighted that you are settling in so well  in your new school. Did you notice that we named one of our butterflies after you?

One thought on “Fly Free!”

  1. Well done P5ms for managing to look after your caterpillars and allow them to develop into butterflies – I’m sure they enjoyed the freedom of the school garden.

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