P3lm ‘Human’ Trees!

We have been studying trees in art.  We began by looking at the trees in the playground, focussing on the textures and patterns on bark, branches and leaves and then drew a picture of a tree from observation, using charcoal.

Next, we imagined a tree was part human with a face, arms and hands by drawing these around a photo our own heads.  We looked closely at the lines of branches on trees and how they grow from each other, becoming thinner and thinner.  Using our pencil in different ways to vary the line of the branches; thick and thin. 

We are proud of our display, which you can see below.


One thought on “P3lm ‘Human’ Trees!”

  1. Hi Primary 3lm,

    Your human tree pictures look fab on the display. Ill come down and have a look at it next week.

    Hope to see you at the Procession Day parade tomorrow.

    Miss Henderson

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