Hello Everyone
Thank you to everyone who commented on our blog last week, it was great to hear about the things people are enjoying.
This week we are going to have a blog home learning challenge. Below is a short sentence and your challenge is to extend it by adding a chunk on at the end. Use your skills from class, thinking about VCOP. You might use on a connective or add on a chunk using ‘who, when, where, before, after’, etc. So the sentence start is:
An example of adding something might be: The boy closed the curtains before the fireworks started. Or you could improve it further by saying: The scared boy closed the curtains before the noisy fireworks started.
Please remember to keep it to one comment post per person but you could try out a couple of sentences in your post.
Other News
Another great bowling session this week. We had our class photographer Lily there but unfortunately she chopped off most peoples heads so bowling photos still to follow. Our 6 class i-pads were in action this week with people recording themselves reading aloud to help work on fluency and expression. People had lots of fun listening to themselves and we have some very expressive class members.
Bye for now and happy blogging.
Hi Primary 4l,
I love the blog challenges you are setting for yourselves. Here is my attempt at finishing the sentence:
The frightened boy closed the curtains when he thought that the alien space ship had landed in his front garden!
What do you think?
Great that you are still enjoying the bowling and using the iPads.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Henderson
Dear MIss Henderson
Well done, your sentence is excellent. We think it is very expressive and you have used interesting vocabulary.
Hi every one
Her is my e.g the very scared boy closed the curtains quitely because of the loud firworks
Hi Lucy,
Well done. Great sentence with good descriptive words.
Miss Henderson
Hi every one
here is my sentence the mean boy closed the velvet curtains .
Here is my sentence:
The boy closed the curtains quickly so that people couldn’t see him when he realised he had tentacles all over him,