We have had a busy afternoon with the Primary 1 to make models and masks of mini-beasts for their assembly. Some of the models using junk, plasticine and drew pictures. We used lots of different to decorate out models. We helped the primary 1 to use non-fiction books to find out facts, we read and the primary 1’s had to summarise. This is what they said….
- We learned how many legs a spider has.
- Butterflies have lots of colours.
- Caterpillars turn into butterflies.
- We wrote questions about mini-beasts on a big leaf.
- We learned facts about the mini-beasts so we can tell people at our assembly. Our P6 buddies helped us.
Daniel M and Jessica were very impressed with Jake’s bumble bee.
Hi Primary 6 asnd Primary 1,
WOW! It looks like you were all having a great time learning about non-fiction and making resources for the P1b Assembly. I am so impressed with how helpful you have been, Primary 6. The Primary 1 children love having you as their buddies. Well done, everyone.
Miss Henderson