What a hectic week for P5a

What a week! We have been very busy this week and a few of us have been busy learning on our own devices!

On Wednesday we were joined by two teachers from Eastertoun Primary, who were very impressed with our use of iPads to support our learning. We learned more about the Earth and created lessons to show to the rest of the class. Here are a few photos of us at work.

In preparation for our Sky Community Games day next week, we created teams and banners. Miss Anderson and Mrs Mackenzie decided to split the classes so half P5ms joined half of P5a in our classroom. Some of us made pompoms.

Miss Anderson and P5a 🙂

2 thoughts on “What a hectic week for P5a”

  1. Hi Primary 5a,

    Well done on showing your work to the teachers from Eastertoun PS. I know that they were very impressed with your work. Good luck in the Sky Community Games next week and most importantly have fun:)

    Miss Henderson

  2. P5a, thank you for being brilliant ambassadors for our school when we had visitors in this week – they were so impressed. Thank you also to Brydon and Euan for sharing your new book – Mrs Morrison was also very impressed!
    Miss Anderson is so excited by the new work your are dong using technology – keep it up!

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