The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch

We have enjoyed our new story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’.  During story time, we discussed the different ways that the lighthouse keeper could travel from his cottage to the lighthouse.  “It’s way too far for him to swim!” said Cody.  We also thought about some ideas for getting his lunch from the cottage to the lighthouse, without those naughty seagulls eating it!  We enjoyed acting out the story using props.

At the start of the week, we received a letter from our friends in Primary 6!  Our friends had heard all about our topic and wanted to show us the lighthouse models that they had made.   On Friday, Jessica, Becky and Ben brought a lighthouse to class 1.  We listened very carefully as they explained how it was made.  It even had a working light and we were able to learn a little bit about electrical circuits.  After the visit, we were desperate to make our own lighthouses!  We made red and white lighthouses, with a little door and window.   Next week we will add a light and a roof.

We have been thinking about fun activities to do at the seaside and different things to see.  Cody and Joe brought in some lovely shells from their Holidays.  We used the shells during maths to sort into groups of big, small, rough and smooth.   Cody was able to sort the shells onto a four box Carroll diagram! 

We looked closely at the shells, noticing different patterns and colours.  We chose our favourite shell and created lovely line drawings for our seaside display.   We learned about creating texture using sponge painting techniques and we used this to create the sand and water for our display.   We also made colourful fish for our display using a range of materials including pencils, sequins, glitter and mosaic tiles to represent the fish scales.   Cody drew a great picture of a Red Snapper fish, which we have added to our wonderful display!   We will upload a picture of our display next week.

Finally, a big congratulations to Cody!  PC Arnott presented Cody with a goody bag for designing a fantastic road safety t-shirt.  Callum was such a great friend to Cody when he heard the news!

2 thoughts on “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch”

  1. Hi Class 1,

    I love your pictures as they show lots of great learning happening in your class. I am so pleased that your P6 friends brought their lighthouses to show you and you were then able to make your own. Your shell pictures sound lovely. Well done, Cody on designing a fantastic road safety t-shirt and to Callum for being such a good friend.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. That was very kind of the boys and girls in P6H to show you their lighthouses. What a good idea to make your own too. Well done, Cody. I think your road safety t-shirt looks fantastic too.

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