Let’s Get Blogging P4l

Hello Everyone

First of all a big well done to Becky Houston who was our class winner for the in school Park Smart t-shirt design competition. Becky created a fabulous design and we were very proud of her  when PC Arnott and Mrs Madden came in to award her with a goodie bag.

Lots going on this week.  In maths we have all been focusing on division and it  has been great to see so many people using their excellent times tables knowledge to help them.  In writing we tried something a bit different and worked with a partner to create a playscript based on a picture.  We were focusing on question making  in reading and watched a short film called the Happy Duckling to practise our prediciting and questioning skills before moving onto working on our group novels.

Now it is over to you at home.  It would be great if people could add to our blog at home.  At some point over the weekend or next week please can you add a comment to our blog.  You click on the box at the top of the post that says responses and type away.  It could be something you have enjoyed in school, something you have learned or something that went really well.  It would be great to see lots of people commenting on our blog.

We look forward to seeing some comments soon.

Bye P4l

25 thoughts on “Let’s Get Blogging P4l”

  1. Hi Primary 4l,

    Well done, Becky on winning the Park Smart t-shirt design competition. I look forward to seeing your winning design. The work you have been doing in writing sounds very interesting. Did you find it tricky to write play scripts from a picture? You really have all been working very hard. Well done.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. P4l, I’m looking forward to reading some of your own comments on the blog too. A special prize for the first person in the class to leave a message on this post!

  3. It sound’s like you all had fun in class.It makes me jeloss because I liked the sound of writing playscriped using a photo but sadly I was off for 2 week’s so I missed it!

    eve p4l

  4. I liked the onomatopoeia words like crash, flop, flash and pow.I thought of some more words to do and they are oink, woof, meow and moo! can you think of any.

  5. Hi every one.

    how are you getting on.

    I just want to say well done to Beky for winning the park smart compation.

    Bye every one in :P4l =)

  6. Hello everyone

    I’m really enjoying my reading book (my friend Walter) and I’m loving text book maths. It looks very boring but it is really fun; keep doing it Mrs Leamy .

  7. I am enjoying choir very much . I love all the fun games we play and how much we learn from it . I am also enjoying our class novel Four Children And It also well done to Becky for winning the Park Smart T-shirt competition :-}

  8. yes very welllllllll done to becky who did a fantastic design!! I really liked the onomatipaic words they were fun i did flop and swoosh. I liked chior and this game i played in class on the ipad for maths it was scary at first but then i got the hang of it and defeated the big monster with some pauses but i did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Hi every one

    I’m really liking our class novel it is called four children and it. It is Jacqueline Wilson’s version of five children and it . I don’t know if you have heard of it is written by E. nessbit .and it is about a girl who lives with her brother, dad, step mum, step sister her other step sister. Her name is Roslyn and her brother is called Robbie and her youngest step sister is called moudy . Her older step sister is called Samantha. But her family call her smash .Her step mum is called Alice .And IM not sure what her Dad’s name is .

  10. Hi every one

    I\’m really liking our class novel it is called four children and it. It is Jacqueline Wilson\’s version of five children and it . I don\’t know if you have heard of it is written by E. nessbit .and it is about a girl who lives with her brother, dad, step mum, step sister her other step sister. Her name is Roslyn and her brother is called Robbie and her youngest step sister is called moudy . Her older step sister is called Samantha. But her family call her smash .Her step mum is called Alice .And IM not sure what her Dad\’s name is .

  11. see for the one hundred pounds for books in the class you could get a kindel and downlaod books for fre bu just the small one because i have got one

  12. the class novel is really good and i think its a bit crazy and i have thought of some onomatipaic words then read very carefully they are sounds that you can spell like zap,bang, boom and stuff like that ok by for now

  13. Hi Everyone,

    Well done to everyone who left a blog message. I really enjoyed reading all of your comments. Who won Mr Welsh’s prize? Could Eve, Lily, Sasha, Ava, Jordan, Lucy and Rachel come and see me next week so that I can give you all Blogger Well Done stickers?

    Miss Henderson

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