New Learning in P1g

What a busy week we have had! We have been learning about the weather. We discussed wind direction and ways to record its movements and made fabulous wind socks. We then experimented with our wind socks out in the playground.

We also were pretending to be illustrators and illustrated our story predictions. We had to draw in the style of the book’s illustrator and make our picture look eye catching and detailed.

Have a lovely weekend!


2 thoughts on “New Learning in P1g”

  1. Hi Primary 1g,

    WOW! You really have had a very busy week in school. The pictures are fabulous and show how much fun you have been having when learning about the weather and illustrators.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. I love this blog entry P1g – you all look as though you are having great fun learning outdoors!
    You wouldn’t have been able to that today without being absolutely soaked!

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