P1g Bug Fun!

We had fun going on a minibeast hunt in the school gardens! We found slugs, spiders, snails, worms, ants, butterflies,millipedes and woodlouse. We looked at these minibeasts under a magnifying glass as we learned it makes objects look bigger then we recorded our findings on a checklist.

We also perfomed  the song ‘Reach for the Stars’ for our Celebrating Success assembly. Well done to Charlie, Grace, Findlay and Emma who got a certificate. We enjoyed our family and friends coming to see us and Miss Goff said she was very proud of us!

We have been very responsible showing the new primary 1 children around our classroom and telling them what primary 1 is like.

Lastly, we have finished tranforming our role play area into treehouse. Thanks to Jim our janitor for building us a platform to make it more realistic!

 By P1g

One thought on “P1g Bug Fun!”

  1. Hi Primary 1g,

    Your tree house looks fab. Well done to everyone on a fantastic performance at Celebrating Success and to everyone who got a certificate. I am also very proud of all of you. Your minibeasts topic sounds very interesting. My neice, Sophie who is in P3 was telling me that at school she is learning about minibeasts and an eight legged insect is an arachnid:) She says this is what a spider is. Keep up the good work, everyone.

    Thank you to everyone for helping to show the nursery children what P1 is like.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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