Courage in P3lm

P3lm have been learning about courage and the many different ways we show courage. We all agree that there are a lot of people who who show courage and bravery everyday. We had a very interesting talk about the people we think show courage and what actions are brave or can be a bit silly. We made courage badges in class which we will present to anyone in our class who shows courage in any shape or form. We also discussed who our own personal Hero is and why. Who is your personal Hero?

One thought on “Courage in P3lm”

  1. Hi Primary 3lm,

    You really have been working hard in class learning about how to show courage. The lion in the Wizard of Oz thinks he isn’t courageous until near the end when he has to show that he has courage and realises that he had it all along:) I can’t think who my hero is, but ill keep thinking and let you know when I think of who it is.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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