Two weeks into science and fun!

Hello parents and pupils! After the Easter Holidays we had two wonderful weeks! The work and behaviour all children have demonstrated has been amazing! We are all happy to have Miss Robertson in our team adding to our team work!
We were really into push and pull forces last week. We had so much fun playing ‘tug of war’ and learning to congratulate the winning team, accept the fact that we can lose in a game and try harder the next time. We have also been creative making our own swings!
This week we have been small researchers! We have done our research on items that can be attracted by magnets and today it was the first time that we had the chance to shoot during basketball activities. Everybody was just great with excellent basketball skills! Mr Jeffries is doing a fantastic job with our small athletes!
More news coming next week! Have a nice weekend everybody!

2 thoughts on “Two weeks into science and fun!”

  1. Hi Class 2,

    WOW! You have had a very busy week. There is a big box of magnets in the science cupboard which you can have to work with, if you haven’t already got it. The boys and girls in P3lm and P3b did a project earlier in the year on magnets and forces. Maybe you could invite some of them to come and see your research work as I’m sure they would really like that?

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Hi Class 2
    What a busy week you’ve had. It looks like Mrs Zaloni has planned some very fun ways for you to learn about forces. I really like your swing, Dylan. You must have used very gentle hands to make that.
    I am very impressed that you are being such good team players by congratulating others during games. Well done everyone.

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