P2lg news

We have had a very busy first week back. We started our new topic of Houses and Homes. We listened to the story of  The Three Little Pigs and then we had the Big Bad Wolf challenge of making a house with a partner that the wolf couldn’t blow down. We had a choice of 4 different materials to use to build the house with.  Some groups did manage to make houses that could not be blown down by the wolf (or Mrs Waddell’s hairdyrer as it really was!). Mrs Gallagher was impressed with our efforts. We also learned about the different types of houses and we are busy preparing for some talking and writing activities about our own houses.

On Wednesday we had our class trip to Craigmillar castle. Despite the weather we had a great day. We loved being shown round the castle by our guides from Castleview Primary school. Lots of us enjoyed the game they played with us but the best part for most of the class was hearing the story of the mysterious skeleton that was discovered bricked up inside the castle walls 200 years ago. The guides asked us to think about what could have happened to the skeleton and we wrote letters back to them explaining what we thought. Some of our ideas were very imaginative.

2 thoughts on “P2lg news”

  1. Hi Primary 2lg,

    It sounds like you have had a very busy first week back. Your new topic, Houses and Homes sounds like it is going to be very interesting. Well done to everyone who managed to make a house that the wolf couldn’t blow down! I’m pleased that you enjoyed your trip to Craigmillar Castle. The skeleton mystery is very interesting. I would love to hear what you thought might have happened to the person who was buried in the castle walls.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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