Laptop Learning in P4l

Hello Everyone

This week we had a chance to work on the laptops.  We were looking at the life of John Logie Baird and researching a part of his life.  We worked with a partner to identify key information then shared it with the rest of the class.  We are all very pleased that this famous Scot helped to invent the television as it is hard to imagine what life would be like now without it.  We had our third session working with the National Youth Choir of Scotland.  Mrs Leamy is very impressed with how we are all picking up on the idea of bet and rhythm and it is good fun playing all the singing games.  On Friday we took part in the schools Earth Hour and to help us remember we painted giant flourescent pandas as it is the WWF that organise the Earth Hour event.

Bye for now.



3 thoughts on “Laptop Learning in P4l”

  1. Hi Primary 4l,

    I too am so pleased that a famous Scot invented the television as I would also be lost without it. There are lots of inventions that we use a lot that were invented by Scots. Are you going to be looking at them too? Well done on taking part in Earth Hour. I’m looking forward to seeing your panda paintings.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Mrs Clark is also very proud of your learning. I am proud of your charcoal and chalk drawings based on the Scottish Colourists. Some drawings are now displayed on the walls and some have been entered into an art competition. 4lm have been quick to learn Spanish vocabulary and to include it in conversation with friends. Next week we hope to link the time work we have been learning in maths with Spanish.

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