Jolly Egyptians

Well, it’s been another busy week in Ancient Egypt for P3b!

We have written some wonderful stories about our lives as Egyptian gods and goddesses – we really put our imaginations to good use.

We learned more about mummification and designed our own canopic jars to store the liver, intestines, stomach and lungs. The designs were beautiful but you probably wouldn’t want to look inside!

We even practised our times tables by loading up a camel.

Our personal projects on Ancient Egypt have been handed in and we’re looking forward to sharing our learning with one another – it’s one of the best ways to learn!

2 thoughts on “Jolly Egyptians”

  1. Hi Primary 3b,

    WOW! What a very busy Egyptian week you have all had. I was very impressed with the homework task artefacts and how well you were able to share them with your classmates. The picture is fab.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Well done P3 on completing your personal projects at home. You have it a lot of time and effort into completing these. I’m sure you will really enjoy reading each others next week.

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