Castle Adventures in p2lg

This week in writing we were writing our own Castle Adventure stories. The success criteria for our writing was to continue a story using the same characters and setting. Here are a couple of our stories:

Suddenly the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children to a castle. Biff was a knight. She kept bad people out of the castle. A dragon came to the castle. Biff was scared of the dragon. The queen was angry that the dragon came into the castle.

By Darja

Suddenly the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children to a castle. It took them to the king’s bedroom. The king sent them to the witches’ dungeon where they were making a potion to melt the bars on the window so they could escape. Biff and Chip sneaked out of the window and ran away. The king shouted for them to come back. The magic key began to glow and took them back home.

By Katya

We are looking forward to sharing everything we have learned about castles with our parents next week at shared start.

One thought on “Castle Adventures in p2lg”

  1. Hi Primary 2lg,

    Well done, Darja on writing a new ending to the Castle Adventure story and to everyone else for your hard work in writing. I know that your parents will love seeing what you have been learning at Shared Start next week.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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