Our week:

Amber: “It was cool when we did the smoke machine during our tobacco workshop. You could see how dirty the water got and the bottle because of the smoke. I didn’t realise that happened when people smoked.”

John: “I was in a group with Craig and Craig and we researched insects. The three we focused on were the driver ant, Hercules beetle and praying mantis.”

Abbie Meg.: “I enjoyed doing the group research task. My group researched reptiles and it was interesting finding out the different facts. We discovered that chameleons actually change colour because of their temperature.”

Sian: “I was also in Abbie’s group and I discovered Caiman crocodiles can grow up to four metres and that there is a reptile called a dragon lizard.”

Nathan: “I enjoyed watching the p6 show Alice in Wonderland. My favourite part was the White Rabbit. The pupil who played him did really well.”

Aqsa: “Connor and I researched types of frogs and we discovered that the poison arrow frog changes its colour depending on its mood!”

Kyle: “Jack, Adrian and I researched types of birds. We focused on the toucan, scarlet macaw and harpy eagle. Scarlet macaws can fly at 30mph!”

Kirstie: “I enjoyed doing the sports elective again this week. I played football and we practised our shooting and then in the games I scored eight goals.”

Ramie: “I enjoyed the Thursday afternnon too. My group are doing drama and we were given out our scripts for Grease, Wizard of Oz and Oliver. I’m nervous!”

Who has impressed?

Adam: “Nathan has impressed me because during our group research he worked hard and managed to keep everything going.”

Craig C: “John has impressed me by bringing in his homework on time and earning us table points.”

Shannon: “Sophie has impressed because during our football session she tried her best and scored a good goal. It was a right foot curler!”

Abbie Ma.: “Ramie impressed me at drama because he was working really hard to get the dances right.”

Lyndsay: “Kirstie has impressed me by being the first person to complete our Amazon Challenge.”

Billie: “Sian has impressed me by working hard all week.”

Connor: “Aqsa has impressed me because during our research task she worked hard on the power point and made a great job of it.”

Mr Berginis: “Well done to everybody for showing good perseverance to understand the aspects of fractions we’ve been working on.”

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