What a buzz in P2pg!

There certainly was a buzz around P2pg this week.  We had a great week rehearsing for Billy no buzz, then our dress rehearsal on Thursday and the main event today!  The children have been very excited all week and were thrilled with their performances.  Therefore the whole class received a Star Award for all their hard work and superb performances.

This week we also had a our big book swap, which was great as we got to bring in the books to swap with others.  We also made something special for someone special which you will find out about on Sunday!  I’ve promised not to say anymore!

In our topic we found out about the people who lived in castles.  We didn’t know there were around 150 people working in them, doing all sorts of jobs including gunners, knights, blacksmiths, stewards, storytellers and musicians.  We enjoyed making up drawing and describing some of the people and giving them names too!  Next Wednesday we will have our trip to Craigmillar Castle and we are really looking forward to that!

Well done P2pg.

5 thoughts on “What a buzz in P2pg!”

  1. P2pg, your whole class thoroughly deserved the Pupil of the Week award this week. Your performance of Bill No Buzz was fantastic. You performed brilliantly and sang beautifully.
    I’m sure all the adults in the audience really enjoyed it.
    Well done!

  2. Hi Primary 2pg,

    I loved your performance of Billy No Buzz on Friday and was very impressed with all of your singing and acting. The reaction from the special people in the crowd was lovely and I know that they all enjoyed it. Well done, everyone. You did a fantastic job.

    Miss Henderson

  3. I enjoyed learning about castles when i was in p2 and i hope you do to and you all done fab in billy no buzz and i really enjoyed it

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