P2pg News

This week we really got started on our castle topic.  We looked at the different castles thoughout the medieval times starting with wooden Motte and Bailey castles and then moving on to the stone castles that we know today.  We learned about the murder holes, drawbridges, moats, and the portcullis.  We are now looking at the inside of the castle and what we will be changing our classroom into.  The children are really looking forward to this next week.

We also really enjoyed having our parents in to class this morning helping us to make our Coats of Arms.  We’re going to have these displayed in our Grand Hall (class) with all our other regalia and banners that we will be making!  We’ve already decided to call our castle King Arthur’s Castle of Balbardie and our tables are now called different clan names.

Well done P2pg for another good week!

One thought on “P2pg News”

  1. Hi Primary 2pg,

    I am really looking forward to seeing your classroom transform into a castle in the next few weeks. Your class was very busy today with family and friends and I hope they enjoyed helping you with your coats of arms. I’m looking forward to seeing you display of them.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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