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Happy New Year from P6T

P6T have had a busy first week back. They have been researching the Scots language and making Sots dictionaries as well as creating electrical circuits using switches, bulbs and buzzers. They even created burglar alarms to keep annoying members of their family out of their bedrooms!!

Disaster Relief!

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As part of their Extreme Earth context, Primary 7H have been looking at the effects of Natural Disasters on communities. One of the problems people might face after an earthquake or flood is access to clean water so we looked at what could be used to filter water in the case of a Natural Disaster.

Miss Campbell set up the experiment with us asking us to find out which materials are best to filter out the mud and debris often found in water after a disaster.

We used sand, stones and cotton wool to try and filter the water, we recognised that cotton wool could be swapped for clothing after the event of a disaster as cotton wool may not be readily available.

We made predictions about what materials would be best at soaking up the dirt in the water and found that putting both the stones and cotton wool together was the best. We decided that it would still be best to boil the water after cleaning it up to make sure it was safe to drink.

Family Learning

A big well done to the families who have taken part in the family learning cooking sessions over the past 4 weeks delivered by Forth Environment Link.

We have been learning how to make our meals more sustainable and environmentally friendly through using locally sourced and in season ingredients.

We made lots of tasty dishes which were really simple and easy to make!

A big thank you to all the staff at Forth Environment Link for delivering these fun and informative sessions for our families.

Below are some Festive recipes for you to try at home, Enjoy!

Inspired Art Library Display

Some children who had revisited the ‘Firework Forest Big Picture’ reflected on what they had done and what to do with it, now that they were happy with it. (10.11.17)

“We could put it up in nursery”

 “My Daddy’s friend has pictures in place in Edinburgh”

“We could put it in a book so people could see it”

“My Mummy, brother and sister go to the library sometimes- we could go there”

“We could tell them we want to put it up”

“Phone them ”           “Let them know we can come”

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The children visited the library on Friday 17th November 2017 to put up the ‘Firework Forest’ and some other individual pieces and finished it off with the nursery logo

“So that everyone knows that we did lots of pictures”


Kippenrait Glen!

On Monday of last week Primary 7 visited Kippenrait Glen (or the Darn Walk) as part of their John Muir Award.

We left at 9.30am to begin the 20minute walk to the Glen, we had to be well prepared with our lunches and sensible clothing and shoes for the day! It was a pretty soggy day so most of us had wellies or walking boots and waterproofs  to keep dry!

We made our first stop at the very start of the walk just off the golf course where we stopped to do some activities on Lichen and Tree classification, we used flow charts to identify the different characteristics of the tree to find out what they were!

We then walked on for another 20minutes or so until we made it to a big field. There we completed the majority of our activities, things like…

Eau D’Outdoors – where we created our own perfumes from the leaves, berries and scents of the outdoors.

I Can See A Rainbow – we found a variety of different coloured objects in the field and woods of the colours of the rainbow!

Tree Measuring –  we used the strategies we had learned last week to measure the height and girth of the trees in the field and recorded this in our books, we found a variety of different trees and heights.

Senses Alphabet – we used our senses to find something from each letter of the alphabet… Not sure anyone managed to find x and z though!

We also looked at activities with mirrors and looking at the world from a different point of view,

Afterwards it was time for lunch and we were lucky enough to be able to eat it outside!

The final activity we completed after lunch was visiting the Robert Louis Stevenson cave. In groups we entered the cave and thought about words we could use to describe it ready for some imaginative writing this week.

We arrived back at school at 2.20pm, tired and muddy after our busy day!


Community Cafe!

Dunblane Primary Action Team are pleased to announce that their monthly Community Cafe started back up again yesterday, Wednesday 1st November!

We were so pleased to be joined again by lots of familiar faces and by new members visiting the cafe for the first time!

We served cakes, coffee and tea to our guests and chatted with them about their families and their memories of Halloween when they were younger! We then shared some of our favourite books with our guests, we loved our first experience of the Cafe!

We’re very much looking forward to our guests joining us again next month for the P1-3 nativity!

Mrs Miller Visits P6T

P6 are learning about the Parliament and Mrs Miller came in to talk about what happens. They had a class debate about whether or not we should teach first aid in school. They absolutely loved the debate. They also learnt a lot about Government and the parliament. They also made their own parties and had a vote. They used Clickapads  to answer some questions as well.  By Erin P and Sophie