All posts by Mr Gall

Budgeting-making a profit in P7


Primary seven even have been creating theme parks in maths looking at ; profit and loss, budgeting, percentages, area and position and movement. They have really built on their previous knowledge from their p5 topic ‘dragon’s denblane and many have shown some shrewd business acumen -making huge profits!


Children In Need Total!

The Kids Count citizenship group would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that both participated in and supported our children in need fundraising effort this year.

We are delighted to announce that we raised a total of £777!

Well done team!

(special thanks go to Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Stone who re-counted all of the money and Mrs. Taylor who helped run the events).

We are incredibly lucky to have such a generous learning community and the children have benefitted in exploring how that money makes a difference to many causes around the UK.

Shoebox Appeal

The ‘Kids Count’ citizenship (with a little help from P7G) have been very busy with our charity efforts.

We have managed, with your help, to fill and send 90 shoeboxes of toys and household items to families in Eastern Europe to open on Xmas day.

Thanks to all at the Dunblane Rotary Club for helping us organise this, it has been an extremely worthwhile and educational experience for our young learners. Thank you to all who contributed donations as well, it really will make a difference!

Next up….Children in Need : Fri 18th November!!!