Amazing Africa – P3H

This term we have been learning all about Africa.

“We have been learning about the country, the people and the language have been enjoying learning about the African way of life.”- Joel

“We have been in the kitchen  cooking recipes with an African Twist. We used local ingredients and have been learning about food journeys and making sustainable food choices. So far we have made African rice and beans and North African soup. We got to try our recipes and they were delicious!” – Rebecca

” We have been learning about the Masai culture and created our own Masai art work using lines and patterns. We have been creating our own African patterns and made our Masai necklaces.” – Gregor

“We have been learning Swahili which is one of the languages of Africa. We have learned how to count to 10.” – James

” We are writing story books which we will send to schools in Uganda. As in the schools in Uganda they do not have many books at all. My story is called Adika’s adventure!” Matthew J

“We have been playing African instruments and creating different sounds and rhythms! We have learned a song called Jambo Bwana which we are going to sing now for you all.” Lili