Hannah’s Little Princess Haircut

One day, when my mum was getting her haircut she showed me pictures of her friend’s daughter who cut and donated her hair to the Little Princess Trust.  I decided then that I too wanted to make a difference and donate my hair to charity.

My hair was already really long (as you can see in the picture).  My mum set up a Just Giving page as, not only did I want to donate my hair but I also wanted to raise money for the charity.  I did a lot of research on the charity and shared this with my class just before Christmas. On Friday 22nd of December, when school closed for the Christmas holidays, I headed off to the hairdressers and got 9 1/2 “ of hair cut off and this was sent away to the charity along with my donation.

I set myself a target of raising £150 and couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked at my Just Giving page and saw that I had managed to raise £552!!!

I love my new shorter hairstyle (even more than I did my old hairstyle) and would definitely recommend donating, either hair or money, to the Little Princess Trust charity.By Hannah Fitzpatrick