Primary 4 – 2023/24


Welcome to Primary 4 with Mrs Darroch and Mrs Bradnam


Primary 4’s Class Charter

We used our school values and the 3 Ls to help us agree on what was important in our class charter.



     Primary 4 created their digital charter.

We thought about online safety and the ways in which we use the internet in our learning. Now we’re in P4 we have our own Chromebooks to use in class so we agreed on ways to look after the Chromebooks and to use them responsibly.



We have been exploring place value. We can count, write, order and sequence four digit numbers.  Using our problem solving skills we completed lots of challenges to help Pikachu!

Term 2

Our P.E in term two begins with a block of gymnastics.

We have been enjoying our new gymnastics equipment and have created some fantastic sequences including rolls, jumps and balances.


We have been exploring Scots language and learning our poem “When Grandad got the Internet” for out whole school Scots celebration at the end of January.


We created these amazing thistle pictures- using salt to add texture!



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