Our School

At Balfron PS, our 5 values, 4 aims, 3 Ls and 2 parts of a vision statement, sit under 1 over-riding and simply understood commitment to promote an ethos of Kindness within our school community

Values – Co-operation, Courage, Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience.

Our aims are that:

  • We are encouraged, supported and challenged to be the best that we can be.
  • We are kind and helpful to the whole school community, always trying to include others.
  • We believe in ourselves, show effort and learn from our mistakes
  • We are heard, understood and our opinions matter in all aspects of school life.

We also continue to promote 3 Ls as part of our Positive Behaviour, Positive Relationships policy:

  • Listening – active and respectful
  • Lining up and moving through the school
  • Looking after the school – cloakroom, resources and equipment

In 2 parts, our stated vision is “Learn and discover, care for each other”.

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved our Digital School Award!

Balfron Primary is an active, welcoming and vibrant learning community. We have high aspirations for all and want learners to be the best they can be.

Balfron Primary School serves the village of Balfron and the surrounding rural area. The present building was opened in 1981 to replace the old local primary school. A three classroom extension and nursery was completed in September 2003.

The school is also part of the High School Campus and we are able to enjoy access to some of the facilities. Children take school dinner in the Atrium dining room of the High School, or packed lunches from home in the primary school.

We have varied and extensive grounds developed in partnership with parents and children and supported by the Parent Council and the community. This includes the playground, trim trail, woods, planet garden and access to the High School running track.


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