Primary 2

Our class family are enthusiastic, independent and skilled learners who are always looking for opportunities for growth, learning and fun!
We all have our own unique strengths and interests that make us the most wonderful team, and we are able to inspire and support those around us.
We are learner-led, with a play-based approaches that balance ‘Teacher Time’ and ‘Curiosity Time’, seeking opportunities to investigate, enquire, develop new skills and abilities and play together (both indoors and outdoors).
Our classroom is a comfortable space, that we are always looking to develop and nurture in creative ways. Our class promise ensures that we are always there to support each other, and to celebrate that we all learn and think differently.
Within our class charter, we continue to celebrate the phrase:
“In this class, we all fit together!”
Just like jigsaw pieces, we all fit together as a class family, embracing all those that join us in our space and environment.
We show kindness, respect and love to all that we meet, and we are able to link this to our knowledge of the UNCRC rights.

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