Scarecrow Competition

To reflect the Community Development Trust’s Scarecrow Competition we had a scarecrow competition in our school.


Well done to all of the children and staff for making such interesting and innovative scarecrows.  The winners were Room 8 with this great scarecrow wearing our school uniform!!!

Community Links

Room 6 made a card and a spring plant pot for Woodhurst Care Home in Carluke.  We usually visit Woodhurst and sing songs to the residents but unfortunately due to restrictions we are not able to do so right now.


Room 4 also made some beautiful colourful rocks to put in the “Wall of Hope” that’s been put at the bottom of the High Street in Carluke.  We can’t wait to see them in place!

NHS Assembly

This week at our virtual assembly we have been learning about how the NHS helps us.  Thank you to Dylan who suggested the idea of focusing a virtual assembly on the NHS.  We asked Dylan and children from Room 4 to visit the NHS plaque in Carluke that has been put up to remember those who lost their lives to Coronovirus and to the NHS staff who are working tirelessly every day.  Dylan recorded a lovely message thanking the  NHS for everything they do that we showed at our virtual assembly.





Thank You to Tesco


During the lock down period Tesco delivered resources to help out our pupils who were using our hub.  Room 3 made Tesco this very special thank you card for providing us with a variety of items to help our pupils including sand, bubbles and colouring books.


Your Say – Return to School Survey

Thank you to everyone who filled in our recent survey about returning to school.  We had 21 replies from parents which has given us a good understanding of how you are all feeling about the return to school after lockdown.

How did you feel prior to your child returning to school?

Very Worried – 6                Worried – 7              Not Worried – 9

How do you feel now that schools have reopened?  

Very Worried – 0                 Worried – 6               Not Worried – 15

It is reassuring to see that families are feeling less worried now children have returned to school and you are aware of the measures we are putting in place to keep children safe.

The 3 main things that parents said helped them during lockdown were:

The school website

Home learning activities

Contact with the school through telephone and e-mail

Is there anything more we can do now that we are in the recovery period to support you and your child?

From the survey results it is clear that you are looking for good communication to continue and for normality to resume as quickly as possible for your children.  We had a query if assemblies are happening.  They are happening virtually in each class and these have been going really well so far.  Our communication champions are giving us lots of ideas of what to do for our assemblies each week as well as choosing their favourite songs to listen to!

Please also be assured that although we are reducing our numbers of visitors into the school if your child requires urgent support for physio or OT they have been in school working with a limited number of children per day in order to keep everyone safe.  Speech and language therapy and other agencies are also continuing to liaise with staff and we are keeping in touch using video calls and telephone communication to ensure pupil needs are still being met.

If you have any questions specific to your child please let us know – we will be happy to answer any queries you may have.

Staying Connected Whilst Physically Distancing

Today at our virtual assembly we looked at “Staying Connected”.  We watched this lovely video called “Whilst We Can’t Hug” and we thought of ways we can stay connected in our school.

Whilst We Can’t Hug Video – Click Here

On the theme of “Staying Connected” we received a lovely video from Rev. Ian Cunningham.  We would like to share this so the children who are at home can watch this too and stay connected with our school.

Video Message from Ian Cunningham – Click Here

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