Young Leaders of Learning

Young Leaders of Learning

What is the Young Leaders of Learning programme?

This programme was developed by Education Scotland to give children and young people an increasing say in their education and their schools. The programme supports the empowered system and also the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (articles 12 and 13).

Young Leaders of Learning at Tinto

Minutes of Meeting 2022 – 23

Watch this video to see what happens during a reciprocal visit:

Purpose of the programme

The purpose of the programme is to help children and young people to be more actively involved in helping to improve their schools by:

  • Taking part in reciprocal visits to other schools to identify what is working well, areas for improvement and effective practice.
  • Promoting ways that children and young people can be involved in school improvement activities in their own school.

We have decided to look at Outdoor Learning as a focus, and will use the How Good is OUR School? document which aims to support learner participation in self-evaluation and school improvement.

It has been produced as a result of engagement with schools, organisations and groups of children and young people across Scotland. By using the framework, children and young people can work with staff and partners in their school community to take responsibility for leading aspects of self-evaluation and contribute evidence to whole-school self-evaluation.

For more information, please see the Parent Zone website here:

Parent Zone – Young Leaders of Learning



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