
Present Roll

96 pupils in P1-P7 (as at October 2022)

25 pupils in 2-5 Nursery Class

Facility to accept forty five 2-5 year olds (maximum of 10 2-3 year olds)

Capacity of School

100 primary pupils and 45 nursery pupils

Parents should note that the working capacity of the school may vary depending upon the number of pupils at each stage and the way in which the classes are organised.

Stages Covered

P1-7 and nursery class- children may attend the nursery from the age of three years (from 2 years if in receipt of certain benefits).

Tinto Primary School is a non-denominational establishment.

Education is provided for female and male pupils.

Tinto Primary School does not provide teaching by means of the Gaelic language (as spoken in Scotland).

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