Absence Policy

Attendance at School
It is important for the school to work with parents in encouraging all children to attend school. All absences from school are required by law to be recorded. Absences will normally fall under two categories – authorised or unauthorised absence. In cases where your child in unable to attend
parents are asked to:
 if you know in advance of any reason why your child is likely to be absent from school, please tell someone at the school, telephone us or let us know in writing.
 notify the school first thing in the morning when your child is going to be absent. Let the school know the likely date of return and keep them informed if the date changes. However parents still need to contact the school daily if their child is absent. Please note that a member of staff will firstly call home and then the emergency contacts if no notification is received regarding your child’s absence from school. This is essential in making sure that
all children leaving home for school arrive safely.
 Inform the school of any change to the following:
o home telephone number
o mobile number
o emergency contact details
o home address.

Requests for your child to be permitted to be absent from school to make an extended visit to relatives must be made in writing to the Head Teacher detailing the reason, destination and duration of absence and arrangements for their continuing education. On these occasions the pupil may be marked as an authorised absentee in the register.
Medical and Healthcare
Should any child become unwell during school, the parent is contacted in the first instance, or failing this the emergency contact is alerted. Similar action is taken should a child have an accident. No child is allowed to leave the school premises unless accompanied by a ‘responsible adult’. If it is not possible to make contact with the parent, a member of staff will accompany the
pupil to the health centre or hospital if this is considered necessary.
It is essential that parents inform the school of any particular medical requirements or condition which may affect the pupil’s ability to benefit from or participate in school activities.
Where a pupil has to take any medication during the school day, parents must complete an administration of medicine form. All medicines are stored in a designated locked drawer in the school office or in the nursery in a secure cupboard if the child attends the nursery class.


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