All posts by H. stmarysham


Exciting news – we now have 100 followers on our Twitter account!  This ‘parents only’ account allows our them to find out all about their children’s learning and immediately be kept up to date with school events.

Our Fair-trade tuckshop and raffle continued this week.  Our Fair-trade committee organised the raffle draw.  Congratulations to Lewis who became the proud owner of a Fair-trade football and to Beth who won the delicious Fair-trade hamper.  Thanks to the Fair trade committee for organising the events and to all those who supported the tuck shop and raffle.

Our Masterclass sessions continued this week, with all of our children advancing their skills in their chosen subject.  Our mini chefs made delicious tomato pasta and some of our knitting group have completed their fantastic scarves!  Our musicians are rehearsing to entertain parents at our Easter Coffee Morning.  Details of the morning will be given out this week.

Primary 2 had an amazing trip to Glasgow Science Centre this week.  All of our educational outings enhance children’s learning and allow them to take skills that they have learned in the class outside and apply them in various situations.  The Science Centre was no exception, our Primary 2 pupils had fun taking part in various workshops and activities.  Thank you to our parent volunteers who accompanied them on the trip.

We finished our week on a sporting high with our Cross Country competitors and girls 5-a-side football team.  Mr. Russell coached our Cross Country team each week with great success.  Aidan came first place in the P7 boys race and continued the winning streak with the P7 boys coming 3rd place in the group race.  P7 girls and P6 boys also won bronze in the their team races!  Congratulations to all of our runners who tried their very best and proudly represented St. Mary’s.  Thanks to Mr Russell and our volunteers for training our runners each week and accompanying them to the competition on Friday.  Our girls’ football team were also the proud winners of the Hamilton District five-a-side champions!   Thanks to Mr McManus for faithfully coaching them each week.  Photographs of all of our winners can be seen in our celebrating success photo gallery.

As I type this blog our Primary 7 pupils will be waiting impatiently for tomorrow morning to come when they will board the bus to Kingswood for a week of sporting and team building activities!  Read our tweets to find out all about their adventures.

As always, thanks for reading,

Elaine Fitzpatrick


Well, it certainly was a very busy week for us last week!  Our pupils and parents have shown great commitment to our Lenten Charity activities.  Each class has their own 5 minute fund raiser where they take part in activities such as mini bring ‘n’ buy sales, raffles, tuck shop and many more unusual ways of raising money to help those less fortunate.

This week we took part in Fairtrade Fortnight.  Our Fairtrade Committee presented an assembly to all pupils to explain to them the benefits of purchasing Fairtrade items.  We then held an amazing Fairtrade Breakfast Club where our Fairtrade Committee and Pope Francis pupils served a yummy breakfast and delicious hot chocolate to the other pupils of the school.  Warburtons and Scotmid kindly donated bread and fruit for the event.  We are very grateful to our parent helpers who gave their time to make the breakfast a success. Pupils were also able to purchase treats at our Fairtrade tuckshop throughout the week.

The pupils of St. Mary’s Primary stopped traffic on Friday morning as they attended St. Mary’s church at 8.30am, however rather than seeing pupils in dressed in their usual smart uniform, Fr O’Brien witnessed characters such as The Queen of Hearts, Goldilocks, Snow White, Miss Trunchbull, Moonface, Harry Potter and his friends, Gangsta Grannies and the Fantastic Mr Fox!  On Friday we celebrated World Book Day and our children were wonderfully dressed as characters from their favourite books.  A fabulous day was had by all!

Primary 7, Mrs Seenan and Mrs Smith worked extremely hard to organise our Childrens’ Café on Friday morning.  Lots of delicious treats were available to purchase, including a special Willy Wonka mix up where our children had the chance of winning a Golden Ticket Easter Egg!  Just over £400 was raised from the event, this would not have been possible without the hard work of our school staff and primary 7 pupils.  Special thanks also goes to Mrs Barghati, our chocolate fountain expert!

Remember to look on our website and Twitter for fantastic photographs from all of our events.

Thanks for reading,

Mrs Elaine Fitzpatrick


This week Primary 1/2 visited New Lanark to enhance their topic on ‘The Victorians’.  They had wonderful day travelling back in time on the Annie McLeod Experience, listening to the life of a mill worker from Victorian Times.  The class was accompanied by their teacher, Mrs McDougall and 4 parents helpers.  Many thanks go to all of our parent volunteers who help with trips and in our school on a weekly basis.  We are extremely grateful for their support and time, without which, trips such as these would not be possible.

Primary 7 were entertained this week by Theatreand’s Road Safety performance organised by Road Safety Scotland.  The performance focussed on Road Safety and explored the consequences of irresponsible behaviour, looking at important issues that our children face on roads.  The performance was followed by an interactive workshop that allowed our Primary 7 pupils to explore the main themes further.

St. Mary’s hosted the first annual Hamilton Burns’ Club musical competition.  Once again, we were extremely proud of all of our entrants who sang and played beautifully to a large audience of friends and family.  Our pupils will now move on to the next round to participate in the Lanarkshire Burns’ Competition.  We wish them all the best of luck!

6 of our Primary 6 pupils participated in South Lanarkshire Council’s yearly Euro Quiz on Thursday morning.  Along with various schools across the authority they answered questions on the culture, geography, finance and history of Europe.  The pupils worked very hard and were a credit to St. Mary’s.

Our monthly Achievements Assembly this week saw many of our pupils being awarded with certificates for their fantastic achievements outside of school.  Achievements such as swimming, dancing, karate and football show the commitment and hard work that our children demonstrate weekly – along with their parents’ commitment of encouraging them and taking them to their clubs!  Their names and achievements are displayed on our Achievements Tree for all to see.  Well done everyone!

On Wednesday night we had our latest Parent Council meeting.  These meetings are an excellent opportunity for parents to become more involved in the life of our school.  We have an extremely dedicated Parent Council Committee and council members who work tirelessly to enhance the lives of all of our pupils through various events and fundraising.

So far, our Lenten fundraising activities have been a huge success – thanks to all of our parents for supporting our worthwhile charities.  We look forward to World Book Day next week and our Primary 7 café! Busy, busy, busy!

Thanks for reading,

Mrs Fitzpatrick



Last week saw us celebrating our Scottish heritage further when Rooms 11 and 12 attended a Burns event hosted by Hamilton Town House Library.  The pupils had researched Rabbie Burns and created books about his life and works.  4 of our pupils also represented St. Mary’s at Hamilton Burns Club poetry recital competition on Wednesday night, which involved 6 schools in the local area – St. Mary’s, St. Elizabeth’s, Woodhead Primary, Woodside Primary, St. John’s and  Hamilton College.  Johnny opened the competition with a fantastic recital of ‘Address to the Toothache’, whilst Niamh, Uzair and Chloe all made us extremely proud with their recitals of well known Burns poems.

On Tuesday, we had a great start to our Masterclass sessions.  Our junior and senior pupils were involved in many varied activities including karate, knitting, gardening, guitar, cooking, ukulele, arts and crafts, French, Technologies and many more.  Led by members of school staff and volunteers, our pupils will develop their skills over the next 5 weeks – keep up to date with masterclass photographs on our Twitter feed.

Over 80 pupils joined us at the Lenten Eucharistic Service at 8.30am at St.Mary’s Church, Fr.O’Brien was amazed at the high number in attendance and looks forward to celebrating with us every Wednesday morning during Lent.

Rooms 11 and 12 visited Bannockburn Heritage Centre in Stirling on Wednesday to conclude their interdisciplinary topic on the Scottish Wars of Independence.  The pupils had a wonderful time taking part in workshops, studying artefacts and joining in a re-enactment!

Nursing students from the University of West of Scotland delivered health talks to classes on Wednesday on ‘The Journey of Food Through The Human Body’.  Partnerships such as this, enhance the knowledge of our children in exciting and motivating ways.   We are very lucky to have formed these type of partnerships with various stakeholders and thank the university for giving us this opportunity.

On Thursday we had our latest COGS meeting, involving all of the children from Primary 1 to Primary 7.  Pupils discussed the wellbeing indicators of feeling ‘Included’ and ‘Healthy’.   We discussed what being included means to them and the various ways pupils feel they are included in decisions that are made in St. Mary’s Primary.  The children also discussed the difference between mental and physical health and the ways St. Mary’s encourages and supports their mental and physical wellbeing.  The results from our COGS meeting will be included in our monthly newsletter at the end of this month.

As always, thanks for reading,

Mrs. Elaine Fitzpatrick






We only had a 3 day week last week, however as per usual it was an extremely busy one and felt a lot longer than 3 days!

We began by celebrating Ash Wednesday mass at St. Mary’s church, led by Primary 5 pupils.  This mass marks the beginning of Lent.  Throughout this season we will be thinking of those less fortunate by raising money for SCIAF and other charities through various activities,  culminating in our Charities Week.

This week we welcomed 2 Post Graduate students from Strathclyde University and one Bachelor of Education student from Glasgow University joining us until the Easter holidays.  Miss Charlotte Brannan will work with Mrs Phillips and Room 3 until 18th March and will then work with Room 10 and Miss Graham.  Mr Sergiu Vornic will work with Mrs Campbell and Room 7, whilst Mrs Gillian Paterson is working with Mrs Seenan and Room 11.  I am sure that they will have a wonderful school experience at St. Mary’s Primary School, learning various effective strategies and deepening their knowledge of Curriculum for Excellence, thus preparing them for life in the teaching profession.

This week we started rehearsing our musical pieces for our Summer Show ‘The Mikado’.  Our Primary 7 pupils are very excited at the prospect.  We will be auditioning for parts next month, when the children are more familiar with the storyline and songs.

Unfortunately, we had to cancel our Internet Safety Evening, which was planned for Wednesday of last week.  It was with much regret that I took the decision to cancel after the hard work that Mr Rimmer, Mrs Phillips and Primary 7 had put in to prepare the presentation.  The lack of response from parents to attend the event meant that only approximately 20 people would hear the message of how to keep their children safe online.  I feel very strongly that online safety is something that affects every single parent, even though we may not realise it, therefore we must think ‘outside of the box’ of a new way to reach all of our parents.  Primary 7’s efforts will not have been in vain as they will deliver the presentation at our future learning showcases for the various stages throughout the school.

Our football team had an excellent result last week at the James Nisbet Shield and got through to the finals at the Jock Stein Centre this week.  Well done boys and good luck!

We were very privileged to be part of the baptisms of 5 of our pupils on Friday afternoon.  In front of friends, family and classmates, Fr. O’Brien baptised Luca, Joshua, Caleb, Eve and Lucy.  We welcomed them into the Catholic faith and are delighted to be part of their faith journey, especially with those who will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion this year.

On Sunday 14th February, we celebrated Catholic Education Week at St. Mary’s church with the pupils of Primary 3, Primary 4 and Holy Cross students.  Primary 3 and Primary 4 made their enrolment promises to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.  Our pupils read the Prayers of the Faithful, praying for all of those involved in Catholic Education and David Hayburn, from Holy Cross High School, spoke impeccably  about what it means to be a Caritas student and the works of Mercy they are involved in.

We are looking forward to another busy week ahead.  Remember to keep in touch with all of our activities through our Twitter feed.  We now have 70 followers!

Thanks for reading,

Mrs Fitzpatrick

Head teacher





As you may have noticed, my blog was hijacked by senior pupils last week!  Primary 7 volunteered to add their own blog to our website to let everyone know more about their Primary 7 learning experiences.  Watch this space for regular updates.

Each Monday morning, our Primary 5 pupils are developing their musical skills through the South Lanarkshire Council Youth Music Initiative under the tuition of Mrs Jacqueline Devlin.  Our children are enjoying using percussion instruments, concentrating on the glockenspiel, and hopefully will be able to entertain the rest of the school in a few weeks time!

Over the next few weeks each of our classes will visit Hamilton Town House Library.  The children will take part in various activities to develop their research skills.  This week, room 6 thoroughly enjoyed their visit, deepening their knowledge of how fiction and non fiction books are organised and how to use this to help them with their Egyptian topic.

Primary 4 pupils had a wonderful time on their First Communion retreat at Holy Family parish, Mossend.  This trip helps them in their First Communion preparations by educating them in various aspects of church life such as parts of the mass, priest vestments and church furniture.  They also had the opportunity for meditation and reflection upon the importance of the sacrament.

All classes took part in Internet Safety week activities this week.  All pupils from Primary 1 to Primary 7, discussed the benefits of the internet and how to keep themselves safe when online.  Primary 7 pupils will present their findings on the evening of 11th February, all parents are invited to this presentation.

Friday, 5th February was a Staff Development Day, whilst pupils enjoyed a lovely day off!  We opened our doors to teaching staff from other schools in the Holy Cross Learning Community to develop our knowledge and skills.  In the morning, Mrs Devine had organised various science workshops for all to take part in.  Experts from SSERC (Scottish Schools Education Research Centre) led the workshops on flight and space.  In the afternoon, Mrs Seenan had arranged for Dianne Anderson from Education Scotland to talk to all staff about the use of Scots in primary schools.  All staff agreed that it was an extremely beneficial day providing them with lots of knowledge and resources to use with pupils in their own schools.  Thanks to Mrs Devine and Mrs Seenan for their contribution and commitment to the day.

Photographs of all of the activities that happen in our school throughout the week can be viewed on our Twitter feed.

As always, thanks for reading,

Mrs Fitzpatrick



Primary 7 blog – January 2016

During the month of January, Room 12 have been so busy. We have been absolutely slaving away! Getting back into the school routine was hard, but we got there eventually. There were a variety of learning experiences which we all enjoyed, centered around Scottish Language and Culture.


When it was announced that we were having a mini topic on Robert Burns we were over the moon! As part of the Robert Burns topic we had to learn a poem and we chose “To a Mouse”. It was eight verses long, but we learned it off by heart! Also, we were entered into a Robert Burns competition in the Hamilton library whereby everyone had to create a journal on his life and works. Some people also created a quiz or wordsearch about Robert Burns Day!

Another thing we did to celebrate in the Robert Burns tradition was to do an assembly and share our knowledge of him with the rest of our school. This was in the morning of Rabbie Burns Day(25th) and then, in the afternoon, we went to share our happiness of being Scottish and entertained the Morrison shoppers, performing a showcase about Robert Burns. We did a variety of singing dancing and reciting poems at Morrison’s. Amazingly we raised a staggering amount of almost £100! Wow!

A traditional meal is always served at a Burns Supper- Haggis, Neeps and tatties. To close this mini topic we too had a Burns Supper in school! It was fun!


As well as learning about Robert Burns, we went outside in the cold snow and built a snowman (or should I say slushman!) Fab teamwork! Anyway our hands were very cold picking up the snow, however, we all enjoyed it!


For the next few months we have got lots of things planned – going our school trip to Bannockburn and The Children’s Cafe, but the thing we are all looking forward to the most is our residential trip to Kingswood Outdoor Learning Centre. You will be hearing more about these things very soon!


We began this week celebrating Rabbie Burns Day.  Primary 7 presented a wonderful Rabbie Burns assembly to the whole school, educating everyone on the life of Burns, reciting poems along with some Scottish dancing and singing.  They then entertained customers at Morrison’s in the afternoon.  On Tuesday, Primary 7 continued the celebrations with a Burns Supper – the hilarious toasts to the lassies and laddies can be seen on our Twitter feed.  We now have 50 followers on Twitter!  Thanks to Mr Rimmer, the feed is updated daily with photographs and news of school events.

We are very fortunate to have so many dedicated staff and volunteers to organise extra curricular clubs for our pupils. Our Primary 2 lunch time club run by South Lanarkshire Active Schools for the next 4 Tuesdays has been a great success.  The children have loved taking part in multi sports, developing their skills and working in teams.

On Wednesday night St. Mary’s staff went to the Education Mass at Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral, celebrated by Bishop Toal, to mark the beginning of Catholic Education Week.  The theme of Catholic Education Week this year is ‘Learning to be merciful’, echoing this, the Year of Mercy.  Archbishop Tartaglia’s letter to all parishes reinforces the importance of Catholic Education and of Catholic teachers.  Pupils of St. Mary’s and Holy Cross High School will mark Catholic Education Week at 10am mass on Sunday, 14th February.  This will also be our enrolment mass for primary 3 pupils making their Sacrament of Reconciliation and our Primary 4 First Communicants.

As always, thanks for reading this week’s blog – I hope it keeps you up to date with everything that is happening in our wonderful school!



We have had an extremely busy week for everyone and it seems as if it’s only going to get busier as the term proceeds! All of our pupils are back into the school routine, working very hard in their classes and trying their best.

Primary 4-7 took part in Burns’ auditions for our local Burns’ Competition.  Primary 4 & 5 recited ‘Address to the toothache’, whilst Primaries 6 & 7 regaled us with ‘To a Mouse’. Watch this space to find out who will be representing our school at the competition.

Rooms 7 and 8 enjoyed an exciting trip to Edinburgh Castle on Wednesday to conclude their Castles topic, concentrating on ‘Attackers and Defenders’.  They were taken on a tour of the castle and its surrounding area, looking at the features castles had in order to protect their inhabitants.  Children saw first hand features such as a shield wall, towers, arrow slits and battlements.  They made their very own catapult and were given a tour inside the castle.  All of our children will receive a newsletter with more details of the day.

Due to the local By-Election our pupils had a holiday from school on Thursday!  The staff of the school spent the day strengthening their skills in various areas of the curriculum.  We began the day singing with Mrs Cluckie, looking at our main music resource – ABC music.  This is an excellent resource to teach pupils skills in music in a progressive way.  We then worked as a staff to look at the class pages within our school website.  Every class has their own page that will be updated each term to inform parents what their child is studying in literacy, numeracy, health and well being and what their topic for the term will be.  Mr Rimmer also showed staff our new Twitter feed and how it can be updated regularly.  Mrs Campbell then delivered training on Education City, our online resource for various subjects such as literacy, numeracy and Spanish.  Teachers uploaded all of their class details to the site and all of our children are now able to access this from home.  Our subscription to Education City is paid for by our Parent Council and we are very grateful for this as it is an excellent online resource to encourage and develop various skills.  Staff Development Days are essential for school staff.  They allow for staff to come together to strengthen their skills and to plan future learning for our pupils.  We are looking forward to the next Staff Development Day on 5th February, where we will be concentrating on Science and Scots Language!

Thanks for reading!

Mrs. Fitzpatrick




We have had a busy and productive start to the new year at St. Mary’s.  Our pupils all returned to school last week raring to go after a very special Christmas holiday.

The Scottish weather has not been ‘friendly’ to us, which has resulted in a lot of indoor plays for our children last week. Each day, Mr McGurk and I risk assess our playground to make sure that it is a safe environment for our children to play in.  Unfortunately, this has not been the case and we have had to keep the children inside during break times.  We have made arrangements for classes to play on the pitch in the afternoon if it is dry and poses no safety issues.  Although, this is not an ideal situation, our children as always continue to be on their best behaviour in classes, playing games with each other and the class monitors.

It is the time of year when our new primary 1 pupils for August enrol at the school.  We have had many enrolments and look forward to starting our induction programme with them and our Primary 6 pupils who will be P1 Buddies next year.

Primary 5 visited Glasgow Science Centre last Wednesday as an introduction to the Clyde in the Classroom initiative.  Clyde in the Classroom is a hands-on project which uses the life history of a native Scottish species, the brown trout, to promote awareness of river ecology among young people across the River Clyde catchment. The project is delivered by the Clyde River Foundation and is a great basis for outdoor learning and STEM education.  Primary 5 are very excited about their involvement and look forward to taking care of the trout eggs when they are delivered to our school!

Our senior pupils were once again excellent ambassadors for our school, when they represented St. Mary’s at SLC Active Schools Athletics last week.  Led by Mr McManus, the group demonstrated first-rate teamsmanship by working together during the various events.

I am sure that like this week, every week will prove to be a busy and productive one for staff and pupils of St. Mary’s!

Thanks for reading,

Elaine Fitzpatrick
