Category Archives: Uncategorized


Hi everyone!

I know lots of you have been using Sumdog, I hope you have been enjoying it. I’ve just had an email to confirm that Sumdog’s South Lanarkshire Maths Contest starts tomorrow at 8am. It will run until 8pm on the 21st May.

Here are the rules:

  • Students can play at any time.
  • For the score to count, the South Lanarkshire Maths Contest activity must be showing in the green panel on the left of the student’s screen when they click to start each game.
  • Their scores are based on correct answers.
  • A class’s score is the average of the scores from all students from that class who take part.
  • To appear on the leaderboard, at least 10 students from a class need to play.
  • Each student who answers 100 questions will receive an item for their Sumdog house.

I’m sure you all know how competitive I am, so I am really hoping you take part in this! Scores are based on accuracy, not speed, so take your time answering questions.

Good luck!

Weekly check-in

Hello everyone, how has your week been?

Has anyone had a lockdown haircut yet?! Mr P needed one so I was in charge of the clippers! I think I did a pretty good job and he seems happy with it so I’m taking it as a success!

Remember to try and leave a comment by Friday to let me know how you are getting on. If you would prefer to email me, you can do that too –

Comments will not show up until I approve them so it may take a while for your comment to show up on the blog.

Stay safe everyone!

Week beginning 11/05/20

Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend.

As always, tasks are just suggestions and there is no expectation of you completing everything.

home learning timetable 11-05

Numeracy: Here’s is a starter for you all to try – which would you prefer and why?

Hopefully you’ve had a chance to try the Budget game so you can continue with that. Let me know how you are getting on with it!

I hope you all enjoyed the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory escape room challenge. I have another one for you to try, this time it has a Hogwarts theme!

Hogwarts Escape Room

MM + DD: Why don’t you try some of these Maths challenges that are designed to keep you active too?

maths on the move MM+DD

Have a go at the BBC Bitesize challenges – they are uploaded on a Friday!

Bitesize Challenge

AA: Why don’t you try some of these Maths challenges that are designed to keep you active too?

maths on the move AA

Have a go at the BBC Bitesize Maths Challenge – they are uploaded on a Friday.

Bitesize Challenge



AA: Have a go at reading chapters 33 + 34 and try the following:

Nowhere Emporium ch 33 + 34


Pobble365 – have a go at the activities for your chosen day.

setting and context – These tasks are designed to help you with creating setting and contexts in your writing.


Pobble365 – have a go at the activities for your chosen day.

The Worst Witch – Try these reading activities based on The Worst Witch.


Gold group: You have the prefix ‘ir’ and ‘im’ this week. Both of these prefixes mean ‘not’. So if you take the word ‘impossible’ – you have im – possible so it means not possible. The same goes for the prefix ‘ir’.  Take the word ‘irresponsible’ – ir and responsible means not responsible. See how many more words you can find with the prefix ‘im’ or ‘ir’. You could try writing them in sentences or finding the definition.

Silver group: You have the phoneme ‘ow’ this week. This sound can be represented in the following ways: ‘ow’ and ‘ou’

Have a go at finding as many words as you can in this picture:

ow phoneme picture

Read the story and find all the representations of ‘ow’

ow phoneme story

You could also use the words you find in sentences and practise your weekly spelling words.

Bronze group:

You have the phoneme ‘ch’ this week.

Read the story and find all the ‘ch’ words. You might want to use the words you find in your own sentences.

ch phoneme story

Other activities you could try are: testing an adult, finding more words with the ‘ch’ phoneme, making a wordsearch, bubble writing.

Writing: For writing this week, I thought you could try some imaginative writing. This week, we will focus on the planning stage and then next week we can focus on writing it. Have a look at the following link:


If you click on the links on the right hand side, you will see some images and some extracts from books. Your job is to read the extracts to give you some inspiration. Think about how the authors describe the doors and how they create tension and suspense. You might want to underline or write down any words or phrases you think are effective.

Next, have a look at the images provided. You might want to us one of these images or you might have your own idea. Draw the door you want to use in your story, make sure you included lots of detail as this will help with your writing. Around the outside of the door, write down words or phrases that you will use in your story. Think about what you can see, hear, touch, smell and how you feel.

Next, think about your character. How does your character feel? Do their feelings change as they go through the door? Think of words or phrases to describe how they move and how they act. Think about what they might say.

Lastly, think about what is going to be on the other side of the door. You might want to draw this too and write words and phrases around the outside of your drawing.

Keep your plan safe so you can use it next week!

Topic: For topic this week I thought you could concentrate on women’s roles during the war. Have a look at the following information and choose an activity to complete.

Women’s contributions to war

I made a propaganda poster to encourage women to join the war effort. I used some images online to help me.

If you would rather, you could look at how the war affected children. It’s hard to imagine how you would have felt during the war so these first hand accounts might help.  There are some good writing activities that you could try. There are also some book recommendations from author’s who experienced war. I recommend The Lord of the Flies, it’s one of my favourites!

A child’s view of war

Can you become a WW2 codebreaker?

WWII codebreaker

There are lots of activities relating to VE Day on the Poppy Scotland website if you want to have a look:

VE Day 75th Anniversary


Follow the link above for this week’s online tutorial in coding HTML and CSS. Your challenge is to create your own poster. The example that has been used is a wanted poster, but you can make a poster of your own choice. It could be advertising an event, advertising a VE Day street party celebration or maybe the film that you have reviewed for writing. If you would like to save your project so that you can return to it later, then you can register for a free Raspberry Pi account. Sign up by clicking on ‘sign in’ in the green box to the left of the tutorial screen. Good luck!


This week I thought it would be good for you to set your own walking challenge:

  • Steps Challenge – Can you climb Ben Nevis in the comfort of your own home? Can you walk the Coast to Coast path in your living room? Can you walk one million steps in three months? (10,000 steps a day) Step up to the challenge and stay active at home.

The Ramblers website has information on the step equivalence of several mountains and long distance trails that you can challenge yourself to walk the distance of from the comfort of your own home. Those of you without access to a Fitbit or other smart watch that can track your steps can download a free tracker app to a mobile device. Information on some of these apps can be found on the Ramblers website, please ensure that you get permission from an adult first before downloading anything.

If you are going to set yourself a challenge, please let me know what you’re going to do and how you are getting on with it!


This is such a simple way to inspire awareness and awe about the astoundingly beautiful and amazing patterns in nature!

Choose a leaf, flower, pine cone, stick or stone and bring it home to examine. If you can’t get outside, look online or find a picture.

Take time to observe and talk about the patterns you see. What shapes/colours can you find? How are they organised? Why might these patterns exist?

Then draw/recreate the patterns. What do the patterns make you think of? What other things in the world have you seen that are similar?

Finally, have fun and make your own picture with the same shapes and colours!

Life skills: Choose an activity from the grid.

life skills

Non-Screen activities:

non screen activities

Have a good week everyone, and as always, if you want to share any of your learning with me, send any pictures to with my name and Room 12 in the subject box. Any questions, just leave me a wee comment and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.




week beginning 04/05/20 answers

Since it’s a short week, I’m posting your answers today!


Have you all had a go at the budget game? Let me know if you have and how you find it.

What about the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory escape room… did you escape? I won’t lie, I found a few bits quite tricky!


classroom supplies answers

babysitting fees answers


There are lots of different answers for both of your problem solving sheets so I won’t post all the possible solutions!


AA: NE ch 31 + 32 answers 



Weekly check-in

Hello everyone!

I’m posting the weekly check-in today as it’s a short week this week, so please leave a comment at some point this week to let me know what you have been up to.

This week I plan on going out for my daily walk, hopefully with nice weather. I’m also planning on baking some cheese scones which is my new favourite thing to bake!


I look forward to hearing from you all!

Science Centre Virtual Trip

Our trip this week is to the Science Centre who have a lesson every weekday at 10am. The schedule for this week is below. Choose what lessons you would like to take part in and follow the link below to access the video on that day.

Glasgow Science Centre at Home

Monday 4th May – Make a Planisphere

What is a planisphere and why would we need one to look at the night sky? You’ll see how you can make a planisphere with our handy planisphere print out. We will show you how to use the planisphere for backyard astronomy. You’ll need the planisphere print out (download below), some scissors, blu tack, a split pin (or similar) and some adult permission and supervision. Most suitable for budding astronomers aged 7 and over.

Download the planisphere print out

Tuesday 5th May – The Monty Hall Problem 

Probability has never been so much fun! Explore the ‘The Monty Hall problem’ with us – will you decide to ‘stick or switch’ when the odds of winning a prize change? The chances of this maths problem being a hit are stacked in your family’s favour! For a further probability activity to try out afterwards you’ll need a pack of playing cards. Fun for everyone with science and maths over 7s will enjoy!

Wednesday 6th May – Straw Oboes

Strike the right note for a tuneful family activity! Learn about how sound travels, how we get different pitches and make your own straw oboe. To join in at home, you’ll need some paper or plastic straws, some scissors, and adult permission and supervision. Ideal for ages 5 and over.

Thursday 7th May – Coat Hanger Clanger

Tune in for an entertaining exploration of how sound travels through different materials. You can try this out at home! You’ll need some string, a sturdy ‘wire’ metal object like a coat hanger, whisk or the top of a grill from a cooker (minus the steak!). Plus you’ll need adult permission and supervision. Ideal for ages 5 and over.

Friday 8th May – Make Your Own Codebreaker

Learn about cryptography and find out how to send and receive your very own secret messages. You will need some paper, a ruler, pens or pencils, scissors, and some adult permission and supervision. Most likely to appeal to over 7s.

Home learning 04/05/20

Hello everyone! How was your weekend? Can you believe it’s May already?! This week, we actually have a bank holiday on Friday to coincide with VE day (more about that below). There will be no work set for Thursday (In-service day) or Friday this week.

As always, do not put pressure on yourself to get all of these activities done, these are only suggestions for you! The main thing is that you stay happy and safe, and that goes for the adults at home too!

week beginning 04-05


As a starter for you all: Would you rather…

One activity you can try for Numeracy is The Budget Game. This game is great for learning how to budget your money, which is a very important life skill! This is a more long-term activity as you have to try and budget your money for 12 whole weeks! You will have bills to pay, food to buy and budget for travel expenses. There will be fun things for you to buy too but you have to make sure you don’t run out of money!

Remember you can tune into the RBS MoneySense videos on Facebook at 12pm to learn more about money and financing!

This is quite a fun activity – can you follow the instructions to help you escape?

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Escape Room

Have a go at the BBC Bitesize Maths challenge too if you can.

Here are some problem solving challenges for each group:

MM + DD: classroom supplies 

Babysitting earnings

AA: three jumps to 100

chocolate pieces

I have also set some times tables revision on Sumdog for you to try.


AA: Try and read chapter 31 + 32 of The Nowhere Emporium. We only have a few more chapters to go before you’re finished!

Nowhere Emporium ch 31 + 32

FF + CC: Like last week, have a look at Pobble365 and complete some of the activities for your chosen day.


Gold and Silver groups – you have a spelling rule this week. Suggested activities this week are: Finding words that fit the rule, writing your words in a paragraph or using them in sentences, write the definition of some of your words, test an adult, create a wordsearch.

Bronze group – you have a consolidation week, looking at the last three phonemes you looked at – ‘ie’, ‘ve’ and ‘g’. Suggested activities this week are: create a wordsearch, think of other words for each phoneme, test an adult, use your words in a sentence, write the definition of words. I have also set your words as a Sumdog activity (group 1)

Writing: I hope you all had fun watching your chosen movie last week! This week you should concentrate on writing your movie review. Remember, your movie review cannot be more than 100 words so you have to be very careful. I have included a writing frame that you might want to use to help structure your writing. The writing frame mentions the 3Cs and the 3Ss so I have included information about that too.

in2 film writing frame

3Cs + 3Ss

film review checklist

Remember, this is a competition that runs every two weeks and there is an Amazon gift voucher for the winner! If you want to enter, you need to take a picture of your review and post it to the Into Film Twitter or Facebook page. You MUST get an adult to complete this step for you. Good luck, and remember to send me any reviews you write!

Topic: Guys, I am so excited about topic this week! On Friday (8th May) it will be VE day. VE stands for Victory in Europe and this is when World War Two officially ended in Britain after Germany surrendered. The war went on for 6 whole years (1939-1945) so people were understandably happy when it ended. It’s particularly special this year as it is the 75th anniversary so I have lots of activities for you to try.

When the war was over, lots of people began celebrating on the streets. Have a look at the following information and activities!

History of VE day + street party ideas

First Hand Accounts

Obviously you can’t have a street party with social distancing rules in place but you could try some of the activities, like baking something using your rations, or making paper chains/decorating your room to celebrate VE day. How about listening to some of the songs that were popular at the time? There are lots of links included in these pages so you should be able to follow the links but if you can’t, let me know and I will try and sort it out. All of the resources are available on the Poppy Scotland website.

P.E: Can you try the Jitterbug? This was a popular dance during the 1940s and 50s. It’s a very energetic dance! You will need a partner for this. Here is an example of the Jitterbug:

There are some videos of the dancers from Strictly doing it on Youtube but the quality of the video isn’t as good.

Here is the link to the how-to-guide!


You will find more information about the music and dancing on page 5 + 6 of the ‘History of VE day and street party ideas’ link I posted under topic!

ICT: Follow this link for another online tutorial in coding HTML and CSS. Your challenge this week is to create a joke, story or poem on the webpage with text and images set out in the correct order. You can write your own, or use a story you already know to get you started. Good luck!

tell a story

Life Skills: Choose an activity from this list! 

life skills

No-screen activities: I realise it’s very easy at times to stare at a screen for hours at a time so here are a few ideas for things to do that don’t include a screen!

non screen activities

As always, I hope you are all keeping safe and happy. If you have any questions or have something you want to share then leave a comment for me and I will get back to you. Remember, any pictures of your learning can be sent to

Photos from home

Hi everyone! Just a quick post to show everyone what some of you have been up to! If you want to send any photos, please send them to with my name and room 12 in the subject box. It’s lovely to see some of the things you’ve been doing!

If you want a laugh… I tried the bouncy egg science experiment where you put an egg in vinegar. It was great to start with and then I tried to bounce it too soon…