Weekly check-in

Hi everyone! How are we all this week?

Remember, we have a short week this week so if you could leave me a message to let me know how you are by Thursday, that would be great. If you want to email me instead, you can do that too.

So far this week I have been mostly reading my book which has been great! My current book has 560 pages and I think it’s one of the longest books I have ever read! I found out it has been made into a film too so when I’m finished I can watch that and compare. The book is always better than the film though, right?!

I look forward to hearing from you all!

35 thoughts on “Weekly check-in

  1. Hello. I have successfully managed to climb Mount Kilimanjaro! I completed it on Saturday but I have still been out walking regularly. I’m also really excited because it’s my birthday on Friday! Fraser😁

  2. Hi everyone,
    I have been playing some video games with my cousins and baking my grans awesome recipes for gingerbread and date and walnut gingerbread. They are delicious 😋 I have also been playing with my budgie 🐦! From Megan ;D😁🌈

  3. Hi I got a trampoline at the weekend but it’s been to rainy to use it. I’ve been doing schoolwork and cycling. Molly 🙂

    1. That’s typical isn’t it! I think you’re going to be a cycling expert by the time lockdown is over!

  4. Hi

    Yesterday was my birthday and I got an new Xbox game to play. We ordered in pizza, had cake and watched Mandolorian.

    Today my act of kindness was to make my mum and brother a cup of tea.

    Bye 😉

    1. Happy Belated Birthday Nathan! May seems to be a busy month for birthdays! That does sound like a good lockdown birthday too.

      That is a very nice act of kindness… I also think that tea always tastes better when someone makes it for you!

    1. You should stick with it Lottie, it gets better!

      Oh no, we’ve got a tea hater! I guess it’s not for everybody… although it is rather delicious!

  5. Hi mrs Panton I have been doing school work and talking to friends l am going walks everyday for exercise hope your well 👍

    1. Hi Rachael! I’m glad you’re getting to talk to friends, that’s very important right now. Hopefully the weather stays nice for your walks, it’s not as fun walking in the rain! I am very well, thank you! I’m excited to go out for a walk later and enjoy the sunshine!

  6. Hi mrs panton! How are you? This week me and Mia harkin in p7 have been leaving letters for each other since we live near each other and has been really fun I have been doing lots of online dance classes I have been baking lots of things and have been face timing every day! Hope to see you soon! From amelia x

    1. Hi Amelia! I’m very well thank you and I’m glad the sun is back! That is a lovely thing to do, it’s nice that you live close enough to be able to share letters with each other. Sounds like you have been very busy and active! I hope so too Amelia, hopefully not too long now!

  7. Hi
    I’ve been making lots of smoothies and baking.
    I’m doing my Cheer classes through Zoom and have learnt some new tumbling tricks.
    I’ll be on my trampoline today as it is sunny.

    1. Hi Alex! Smoothie making sounds nice! That sounds like a good plan, it’s perfect weather for being on your trampoline!

  8. Hi Mrs Panton

    I did the Europe map and it was great fun. I am going to find out more about some of the countries with weird names.

    I also tried to get the Sumdog scores up but I am not sure we will come in the top 10…never mind.

    Enjoying my scooter and trampoline in the sun.


    1. Hi Scot!
      I’m glad you enjoyed learning about the European countries… you can let me know what facts you find out! There are over 100 entries in the Sumdog competition so there’s lots of competition! Well done for increasing our score though! I’m glad you got to enjoy the weather too…unfortunately it doesn’t look as nice today!

  9. I’ve been doing zoom classes with rugby it’s a bit weird but it’s fun as well! My weeks’s Been filled with doing homework, playing Xbox and sleeping!

    1. Classes on zoom are weird aren’t they! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying them though. Sounds like you’ve plenty to keep you busy which is good!

  10. hi, I have been doing school work and been going out for a daily walk every day I have also been on the phone to friends

    1. Hi Ava! Thanks for checking in. Sounds like you’re managing to stay busy which is good! Glad to hear you’ve been keeping in touch with your friends too!

  11. Hi, I’ve been making mini movies with my sister and we are having an Italian afternoon tea this weekend 🇮🇹

    1. Oh wow, an Italian afternoon tea sounds amazing! You will need to take some pictures to show me!

  12. Hi Mrs Panton, I enjoyed learning about European countries. My favourite country name is Liechtenstein. Also, we camped in the garden yesterday and toasted marshmallows over the fire. It did get a bit cold in the tent, though, and we moved back into the house at 4am.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed learning about European countries Hannah! Liechtenstein is a good name isn’t it. It’s also definitely the hardest one to spell!

      That sounds like a lovely idea, camping in the garden! Although I can quite believe it got a little chilly during the night!

  13. Hi, Mrs Panton Samuel has left a check in message this week and last but his messages haven’t been published. Is there something wrong?
    Samuels Mum

    1. Hello! When anyone posts a comment, I have to approve it before it will show up on the blog. During the week I usually approve them pretty quickly and reply. I have seen/approved Samuel’s from this week and last and left a wee comment too. I’ve just checked and Samuel’s comment for this week is under the ‘Home Learning answers18/05’ post. Have a wee look and let me know if it is showing up there!

    1. Which one do you mean Adam? I reckon you could maybe do the Sky Academy one with Room 11 (the lockdown story one) but the Nature in the Neighbourhood one would have to be done individually.

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