Week beginning 11/05/20

Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend.

As always, tasks are just suggestions and there is no expectation of you completing everything.

home learning timetable 11-05

Numeracy: Here’s is a starter for you all to try – which would you prefer and why?

Hopefully you’ve had a chance to try the Budget game so you can continue with that. Let me know how you are getting on with it!

I hope you all enjoyed the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory escape room challenge. I have another one for you to try, this time it has a Hogwarts theme!

Hogwarts Escape Room

MM + DD: Why don’t you try some of these Maths challenges that are designed to keep you active too?

maths on the move MM+DD

Have a go at the BBC Bitesize challenges – they are uploaded on a Friday!

Bitesize Challenge

AA: Why don’t you try some of these Maths challenges that are designed to keep you active too?

maths on the move AA

Have a go at the BBC Bitesize Maths Challenge – they are uploaded on a Friday.

Bitesize Challenge



AA: Have a go at reading chapters 33 + 34 and try the following:

Nowhere Emporium ch 33 + 34


Pobble365 – have a go at the activities for your chosen day.

setting and context – These tasks are designed to help you with creating setting and contexts in your writing.


Pobble365 – have a go at the activities for your chosen day.

The Worst Witch – Try these reading activities based on The Worst Witch.


Gold group: You have the prefix ‘ir’ and ‘im’ this week. Both of these prefixes mean ‘not’. So if you take the word ‘impossible’ – you have im – possible so it means not possible. The same goes for the prefix ‘ir’.  Take the word ‘irresponsible’ – ir and responsible means not responsible. See how many more words you can find with the prefix ‘im’ or ‘ir’. You could try writing them in sentences or finding the definition.

Silver group: You have the phoneme ‘ow’ this week. This sound can be represented in the following ways: ‘ow’ and ‘ou’

Have a go at finding as many words as you can in this picture:

ow phoneme picture

Read the story and find all the representations of ‘ow’

ow phoneme story

You could also use the words you find in sentences and practise your weekly spelling words.

Bronze group:

You have the phoneme ‘ch’ this week.

Read the story and find all the ‘ch’ words. You might want to use the words you find in your own sentences.

ch phoneme story

Other activities you could try are: testing an adult, finding more words with the ‘ch’ phoneme, making a wordsearch, bubble writing.

Writing: For writing this week, I thought you could try some imaginative writing. This week, we will focus on the planning stage and then next week we can focus on writing it. Have a look at the following link:


If you click on the links on the right hand side, you will see some images and some extracts from books. Your job is to read the extracts to give you some inspiration. Think about how the authors describe the doors and how they create tension and suspense. You might want to underline or write down any words or phrases you think are effective.

Next, have a look at the images provided. You might want to us one of these images or you might have your own idea. Draw the door you want to use in your story, make sure you included lots of detail as this will help with your writing. Around the outside of the door, write down words or phrases that you will use in your story. Think about what you can see, hear, touch, smell and how you feel.

Next, think about your character. How does your character feel? Do their feelings change as they go through the door? Think of words or phrases to describe how they move and how they act. Think about what they might say.

Lastly, think about what is going to be on the other side of the door. You might want to draw this too and write words and phrases around the outside of your drawing.

Keep your plan safe so you can use it next week!

Topic: For topic this week I thought you could concentrate on women’s roles during the war. Have a look at the following information and choose an activity to complete.

Women’s contributions to war

I made a propaganda poster to encourage women to join the war effort. I used some images online to help me.

If you would rather, you could look at how the war affected children. It’s hard to imagine how you would have felt during the war so these first hand accounts might help.  There are some good writing activities that you could try. There are also some book recommendations from author’s who experienced war. I recommend The Lord of the Flies, it’s one of my favourites!

A child’s view of war

Can you become a WW2 codebreaker?

WWII codebreaker

There are lots of activities relating to VE Day on the Poppy Scotland website if you want to have a look:

VE Day 75th Anniversary


Follow the link above for this week’s online tutorial in coding HTML and CSS. Your challenge is to create your own poster. The example that has been used is a wanted poster, but you can make a poster of your own choice. It could be advertising an event, advertising a VE Day street party celebration or maybe the film that you have reviewed for writing. If you would like to save your project so that you can return to it later, then you can register for a free Raspberry Pi account. Sign up by clicking on ‘sign in’ in the green box to the left of the tutorial screen. Good luck!


This week I thought it would be good for you to set your own walking challenge:

  • Steps Challenge – Can you climb Ben Nevis in the comfort of your own home? Can you walk the Coast to Coast path in your living room? Can you walk one million steps in three months? (10,000 steps a day) Step up to the challenge and stay active at home.

The Ramblers website has information on the step equivalence of several mountains and long distance trails that you can challenge yourself to walk the distance of from the comfort of your own home. Those of you without access to a Fitbit or other smart watch that can track your steps can download a free tracker app to a mobile device. Information on some of these apps can be found on the Ramblers website, please ensure that you get permission from an adult first before downloading anything.

If you are going to set yourself a challenge, please let me know what you’re going to do and how you are getting on with it!


This is such a simple way to inspire awareness and awe about the astoundingly beautiful and amazing patterns in nature!

Choose a leaf, flower, pine cone, stick or stone and bring it home to examine. If you can’t get outside, look online or find a picture.

Take time to observe and talk about the patterns you see. What shapes/colours can you find? How are they organised? Why might these patterns exist?

Then draw/recreate the patterns. What do the patterns make you think of? What other things in the world have you seen that are similar?

Finally, have fun and make your own picture with the same shapes and colours!

Life skills: Choose an activity from the grid.

life skills

Non-Screen activities:

non screen activities

Have a good week everyone, and as always, if you want to share any of your learning with me, send any pictures to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk with my name and Room 12 in the subject box. Any questions, just leave me a wee comment and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.




4 thoughts on “Week beginning 11/05/20

  1. Mrs panton, my mum has put me to do some nasa activities but I can’t find them. Can you give me a link

  2. Hi mrs panton how you doing! I have been doing so many online classes for dance and just been playing outside. Hope to be back at school soon

    1. Hello Amelia! I’m good, thanks for asking. Aw I bet you’ve loved getting to dance more! I know, I’m hoping we get back soon too!

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