Home learning w/b 27/04/20

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and managed to enjoy the lovely weather this weekend! How did your week of online learning go last week?

Like last week, I will post an example of a timetable for you to use if it is useful but remember, these tasks are just suggestions! If something else works for you then continue to do that! I will set tasks on Sumdog, Studyladder and Duolingo as usual too. I will post any relevant answers on Friday.

27-04 timetable


Here is a starter for you all – you have to decide which one you would prefer and why you would prefer it! You need to explain why you prefer your choice.

This is a good challenge from BBC Bitesize . Have a go and see if you can get all the answers!

The Royal Bank of Scotland will be running a live video on Facebook every Monday to help you learn about different topics relating to money. The video will start at 12pm and last for 30 minutes. This week the topic is budgeting, which might help with your ‘life skills’ task this week!

RBS Moneysense



This week we will concentrate on percentages. This first link can be used as a starter:


If you click on the following link, there are videos and activities you can complete. The questions get a little harder so try what you can and remember to try and challenge yourself!

percentages khan academy

Last but not least, here is a percentage challenge for you to try! Good luck!

smart shopper

DD: This week, I’m going to give you something new to try and that is Area. Please watch the videos and try to work your way through the ‘Count unit squares to find area’ section and the ‘Area of rectangles’ section. If you find it too hard or confusing, please do not worry.


If you managed ok with this then try the following worksheet:

area of a rectangle

AA: This week you should continue with addition using the written method. (If you prefer using mental strategies then you can use that instead)

2d + 2d

2d + 2d word problems

addition word problems harder

Before we finished school, we started to look at length and weight and how to measure these. Can you find anything at home to measure?


I have set some Literacy tasks on Study Ladder for you this week to have a go at.

AA: Make sure you have read chapter 29+30 of The Nowhere Emporium and answer the questions below:

Nowhere Emporium ch 29 – 30

FF + CC: Have a look at the following website:


You can use the daily picture or you can choose another day if you want to. Try some of the activities related to your chosen picture.

Try and find some time to do some reading too if you can!


Spelling: I have added your spelling words to Sumdog this week so you should be able to complete some activities on there. However, it wouldn’t let me put some of your words in so you might find that some words are missing. Gold group you are ‘Group 1’, Silver you are ‘Group 2’ and Bronze you are ‘Group 3’.

Gold and Silver group, you have common and tricky words this week. Suggested activities are testing an adult, creating a wordsearch, using your words in sentences or a paragraph, looking up the definition in the dictionary.

Bronze group, you are looking at the phoneme ‘g’ again. Can you think of any other words? Suggested activities are creating a wordsearch, testing an adult, using your words in sentences, checking the definition in the dictionary.

Writing: This week, I have something special for you to try and it involves watching a film. Sound good so far? Into Film have launched a competition for you to write a review of a film using no more than 100 words. The winner will even receive an Amazon gift voucher! I know how well you can all write so I’m hoping lots of you enter the competition! A new winner is selected every two weeks so you can enter as many times as you want. If you want to enter, you should take a picture of your review and post it to either Twitter or Facebook. You MUST get an adult to this for you.

Into Film review

This week you can concentrate on watching the film, taking notes and planning your review. I would suggest you watch your chosen film first and use this to make notes when you’re watching:

film notes plan

Once you have completed that, you can draw the plot of your film in 6 frames using this template:

plot storyboard 

(You only need to do one film storyboard.)

Next week we will concentrate on writing the review!

If you are happy writing a daily diary entry then please continue to do that too! Remember to include three headings – what you did that day, how you feel and one thing you miss.


Even although you’re at home, it’s important to try and stay as active as you can. It is beneficial in so many ways so for topic this week I thought it would be a good idea for you to research how exercise is good for you and what the benefits are for you, both mentally and physically. You could research and then use your research to design a poster, a PowerPoint, or film a tv advert, create a song or radio jingle.

Here are some things to get you started:

why we need to exercise



Art: Have a look at the link and see what you can find in your house to draw!

how to draw with every day objects



Can you create your own circuit training course? You can use a Joe Wicks workout as inspiration!

Since the weather is nice you could go outside into your garden and create your own obstacle course. Try and be creative! You could use sticks, skipping ropes, hula hoops, balls or anything else you can find.

Why don’t you check your pulse before your exercise and then check it again after to see what the difference is!


Health and Wellbeing:


Watch the videos on this page which talk about the importance of teamwork. Then you can fill in the worksheet

I am an amazing person


Follow this link for an online tutorial in coding HTML and CSS. This is the language that is used to create webpages, your task will be to create a birthday card. The tutorial involves you opening a new tab where you will code the birthday card, you will still have the original page open with the instructions. You do not need to download any software, this will run within your web browser. Take your time to read all of the instructions carefully and don’t miss out any steps. This is tricky, so don’t worry if you get a bit stuck, just give it a go.


Have a good week everyone and remember to stay safe. If you have any questions or anything leave me a comment and I’ll get back to you. If you have any photos of your learning, send them to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk.

5 thoughts on “Home learning w/b 27/04/20

  1. Hi good morning Mrs Panton. Hope your feeling well today.
    I would like ask a question about the smart shopper excercise. In the question involving crisps, does it mean 16 multi-packs or individual packs?
    Thanks, Fraser.

    1. Hi Fraser! I’m good thank you, I hope you’re good too!
      Good question! I’ve had a look and there is a small mistake (silly me)… it should read 1 X 6 pack of crisps. So you’re just working out what one pack would be! Sorry about that.

  2. Hi Mrs Panton HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Just so you know my dad will send in some pictures of rock painting that I did and some gardening I done (well if I’m being honest my mum planted them but oh well). Stay safe and keep well Lexie 🤩

    1. It’s Friday already Lexie! It’s been a quick week hasn’t it! Aw that sounds great, I look forward to seeing them! It sounds like you’ve been super busy!

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