Sports week (day two)

Here’s your challenge for Tuesday!

Remember, you can send your pictures to You can also post your photos/videos on Twitter. Tweet your pictures to @burnsideprim and @ActiveSchoolsSL and include the hashtag #BurnsideForGold

Good luck everyone, and remember all family members can take part!

 Long Jump

Resources – tape measure (if possible), something to mark the starting line and name tags to mark the final jump position.

Aim – Who can jump the furthest?

You can choose whether it is a standing jump or a running run depending on your available space.

Each player completes 2 jumps with the best score being taken forward.

The person who jumps the furthest is the winner

Points: 1st:  3 points    2nd: 2 points     3rd: 1point

Shuttle run

Resources stop watch, two items to mark two distances

Aim – Complete the most shuttle runs in 3minutes

Marking two distances in a straight line (e.g. 5-10m apart) in an open space, when the timer begins run in a straight line from the first marker to the second marker and run straight back down again.

1 point is awarded for one COMPLETE shuttle run lap i.e. from the starting point, to the top marker and back again (one full lap) = 1 point.

Points: 1st: 3 points    2nd: 2 points     3rd:1 point

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