Weekly check-in

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well.

Here is your weekly check-in so please leave a comment or email me by 3pm on Friday.

What have you all been up to this week? I have already seen some of your ‘posh beans on toast’ and I must say, they look amazing! I think a few of you are destined for Masterchef! Have any of you been practising for Burnside’s Got Talent? Remember, you can tweet your photo or video (include @burnsideprim) any time between the 15th and 19th June.

I was in school this week as Burnside has opened up as a hub school. We also have to get school ready for you guys coming back after the holidays. It was lovely being back, but also very quiet without you all there!

I look forward to hearing from you all and hearing what you have been up to this week!


16 thoughts on “Weekly check-in

  1. Hi Mrs Panton,
    This week I have been doing the maths sheets and quite liking them. Also each day I have been running 3 laps of my local park and trying to beat my time each day. I got some new medicine for my hay fever because the last one made me sick. Hope you are well Megan πŸ˜€ 🌈

    1. Hi Megan!
      That’s good you are enjoying the maths sheets! That sounds like a good exercise plan! Plus I like that you’re always trying to beat your own time. Hayfever is the worst isn’t it? 😐 Glad to hear you’ve got new medicine though, we don’t want you feeling sick as well as having itchy eyes!

  2. hi mrs Panton,
    how are you?on saturday i went to dunoon to visit my papa and on sunday it was my mums birthday and we got her and my gran an amazon echo show (alexa with a screen on it) so we can video call my gran on it now. Tonight i am doing bingo again! this sunday i am meeting up with lottie at the park to play football so hopefully its sunny.

    Rachael (sorry this is so long)

    1. Hi Rachael! I’m good thank you. It’s much better now that we can visit other people isn’t it. I have never heard of an Echo Show but that sounds amazing, I bet your mum and gran are delighted with that! Friday night bingo sounds fabulous! I hope the weather is ok for you and Lottie on Sunday! πŸ˜€

  3. Hello. I hope you are all well. Today I’m getting the day off with my mum and we might go to a drive- in cinema and I’m really excited. But I don’t know what movie we are going to see yet. I have done all my work as well though. Fraser😁

    1. I had no idea the drive-in cinema’s were opened! That sounds amazing, you will need to let us know what film was on!

  4. Hi Mrs Panton, this week I made a mini pond in the garden with my mum. I also attended a few events of the Barnes Children’s Literature Festival – S. F. Said was my favourite so far. I’ve also been practicing my piano for Burnside’s Got Talent and been working a lot on my Mincraft world.

    1. That sounds like a lot of fun Hannah! I’m looking forward to seeing your Burnside’s Got Talent audition too!

  5. Hello mrs Panton this week I went to my aunties garden and made a massive den with my cousin. It was big enough to social distance πŸ™‚we went home and there was no que at McDonald’s so we got one. I have done my school work as well . Molly

    1. Hi Molly! Aw I bet you were glad to see your auntie and cousin! It feels so much better now that we can all go and visit people doesn’t it! When I walked passed the McDonalds near me the other day, there were loads of cars waiting to get served so I’m glad you got served quickly!

  6. Hi mrs Panton this week I have did loads of maths spelling grammar and French on sumdog and doulingo and did loads of exercises and phoned friends

    From maria x

    1. Hi Maria! I hope your ankle is better after your accident the other week. Sounds like you’ve had a busy week… I’m glad to hear you’re keeping in touch with your friends too, that is always important! πŸ˜€

  7. Hi

    I’ve been playing online with Eban and Cameron. I have also been practising my drums everyday.

    Have a good weekend!

    1. Hi Nathan! I’m glad to hear you’ve been kept busy! Good news that you can play with Eban and Cameron too. I hope you have a lovely weekend too! πŸ˜€

  8. Hi mrs panton this week i have made scones that were so nice and did my school and also going on lots of bike rides and yesterday my basket came that i ordered for my bike witch was quite exciting hope everyone is doing okay Leila

    1. Hi Leila! Aw the scones sounds delish! Good to hear that you’ve been out on your bike lots, and good news about your basket too, that’s exciting! Hope you are managing to stay safe too Leila! πŸ˜€

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