Burnside’s Got Talent

Burnside’s Got Talent!

Burnside’s Got Talent

Usually around this time we start to prepare our auditions for the event of the year and no bug is going to stop us 🙂

As we will not be able to share our talents on stage this year, we thought we would bring the stage to you! I know you have lots of skills and talents and we want to see them! Please have a think about your act and get practising!

You can record a video of your talent at home and then you can tweet the photo or video of your performance on Twitter between 15th and 19th June. Tweet @burnsideprim and we will retweet. There will also be a special certificate on the app/Twitter for you to download as a thank you for participating.

This is always one of our favourite times of the year and I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Good luck! 🙂


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