Weekly check-in

Morning everyone, how are we all?

Here is your weekly check-in. Please leave a message by 3pm tomorrow (Friday) saying hello or letting us know what you have been getting up to this week. If you would prefer, you can email me instead (gw16pantonjennifer@glow.sch.uk).

This week I have mostly been reading (again!) Mr P and I have a Zoom quiz night with our friends every two weeks and it’s our turn to host! So we have been busy trying to think of good questions, we still have another week to perfect it! If you have any good questions, let me know!

I look forward to hearing from everyone.

25 thoughts on “Weekly check-in

  1. Hi Mrs Panton it’s Lexie here. This week I made homemade soap and gave some to my gran. I made a care package of for two of my closest family friends. Keep well stay safe Lexie😊🤩😊

    1. Hi Lexie. Aw what a lovely thing to do, I bet your gran and friends loved getting their gifts!

  2. Hi everyone ,
    This week I have been waiting for my parcels to come and yesterday the books finally came. Me and my brother have been doing the escape rooms and really liking them. Missing everyone Megan :D🌈

  3. Hi mrs panton! This week for me has felt very fast? But a couple days ago I went over to Alex’s to drop of her a present and a letter since we like like 5 mins away from eachother it was very fun but another than that I have been outside a lot with this amazing weather! And I have been doing zoom classes and just zoom with my friends! I don’t a quiz like how you are doing and we all dressed up as Disney Princess I was Belle it was really fun it we all made up questions and stuff! Anyway look forward to seeing you and everyone else again and sorry this is so long. From Amelia x

  4. Hello mrs Panton this week I have enjoyed locating countries and capitals of Europe. I have been out on my trampoline and enjoying to sun. Molly 🐵

    1. Hi Molly! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed learning about the countries and capitals, there’s loads to remember isn’t there! Good stuff, perfect weather for some trampolining!

  5. Hi Mrs Panton, this week I hurt my ankle, put on face masks and foot packs with my mum. I helped paint the fence and went walks with my dog. I did some work and a little bit of reading . I have been playing with my dog lots, it was her 7th Birthday last Friday. I have also played a lot of animal crossing.

    from maria x

    1. Hi Maria! Oh no, how did you manage to hurt your ankle? I hope it isn’t too bad. It sounds like you’ve been very busy and super helpful around the house! I like that you and your mum found some time to relax and put on your face masks though!

  6. hi mrs panton its katie and I’ve been doing some painting with my sister. i painted on an egg box. i have also been playing on my trampoline and making smoothies every morning we also painted a rainbow on our front door it took a long time.

    from katie xx

    1. Hi Katie! You’ve been super creative this week! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the sun and making the most of it on your trampoline!

  7. Hi Mrs Panton, I hurt my ankle this week on my trampoline but I have still been going out walks with my dog, it was my dogs 7th birthday last week and i have been playing with her lots.I also helped paint the fence. I did face masks and foot packs with my mum. I did some work and some reading and i have been playing animal crossing a lot.

    From Maria x

  8. Hi
    This week I made mars bar cake and it was delicious – none left! Also been playing my new game on the xbox and trampolining.

  9. Hello Room 12 I hope you’re all doing well. Another week with some good weather. I hear it’s supposed to be a cracker this weekend. Remember your sun screen if you’re heading out and about.

    Hopefully see you all soon!
    (Mr. Campbell)

  10. Hi mrs Panton today me and my sister made a slip and slide out
    of a big tarp and I wasn’t sure it would work but it did and tomorrow
    we are going to make slushy’s . This week has gone soooo fast but I have been
    doing lots of sumdog ,study ladder ,online games and lots more different things

    🙂 LOTTIE 🙂

    1. Hi Lottie! A slip and slide sounds like a lot of fun and slushys sound perfect for a sunny day! It certainly sounds like you’re making the most of this beautiful weather!

  11. Hi Mrs Panton, this week I have felt a bit sad, missing everybody but I enjoyed listening to an interview with SF Said where children can ask the questions on the Internet. On Monday it will be Cressida Cowell which I’m looking forward to. I also loved seeing Mrs Ferrie’s class’s video on Twitter.

    1. Hi Hannah. I know what you mean, sometimes it’s very hard to deal with everything that’s going on. You’re doing a great job though, and I’m so glad you’ve found something that helps cheer you up!

  12. Hi mrs panton this week i made a cake with cherries chocolate and cream it was really yummy and sweet and i hope everyone is doing alright Leila

  13. Hello mrs panton
    Yesterday we set up a paddling pool and slip and slide.
    I also painted a canvas which i will send in a photo of!
    Every monday i have been doing a fortnite fashion show with my friends and every thursday me and my mum do a bingo night through zoom ,alexa and phone with my grans and my mums friends.

    Rachael W

    1. I’m very jealous of your paddling pool Rachael! I love your weekly routine, the bingo sounds like a lot of fun!

  14. Hello. It was my birthday last Friday and I got swing-ball so I’ve been doing that a lot because of the nice weather. Hope everyone’s well Fraser😐

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