weekly check-in

Hello everyone, how are we all this week?

This is our weekly check-in so please leave a wee comment, it might just be to say hello or you might want to tell us what you’ve been getting up to this week. Please try to leave a comment either today or tomorrow. It was lovely hearing from lots of you last week so let’s try and keep it up!

This week I have been busy learning sign language. So far I can sign numbers 1-100, some of the colours and the alphabet. I’ve also been trying to find time to read my book as I haven’t been reading as much as I should be.

I look forward to hearing from you all!

23 thoughts on “weekly check-in

  1. Hi everyone,
    It’s me Megan and I’m missing you all. School at home is ok but it’s just not the same . I have been doing lots of Duolingo and Sumdog. From Megan😁☹️😁

      1. Hi everyone! I never thought I’d say this but I can’t wait to get back to school! I really enjoyed doing the coding this week and I sent a picture of my card to the school. I can’t wait to see everybody again! Fraser

        1. Thanks for checking in Fraser! I’m glad you enjoyed the coding activity, there will be a similar one for you to try next week!

  2. Hello mrs Panton 🙂 I have been playing Duolingo, doing work and been out cycling. From Molly 🐵

  3. Hello Room 12 – glad to see so many of you checking in. I hope you’re all taking care of yourselves. I also hope you made good use of the lovely weather last week if you were able to go out into your garden if you have one, and/or go for a lovely walk.

    Missing you all!
    (Mr, Campbell)

  4. Hi Mrs Panton
    I got a new rugby ball to practise in the garden and 2 minutes later my brother chucked it over the fence into my neighbour’s garden. Got it back though!

    1. Hi Nathan! Thanks for checking in! Oh no that’s not good, at least you got it back though! Glad to hear you’re staying active!

  5. Hi it’s me Maria I miss all of u I am still working on memorising my 7,8 and 9 times tables and Been doing worksheets I also have been doing an exercise each day

  6. Hi Mrs Panton it’s Lexie. I’ve been very busy doing work and being outside. I miss school a lot.

    1. Hi Lexie! It’s nice to hear from you! I hope you’ve been coping well. I think we all miss school don’t we? At least you’re trying to keep busy Lexie, that’s the best thing to do!

      1. Hi mrs panton! Missing you! I have been lots of work! And I really hope to see you again! From Amelia

  7. Hi Mrs Panton I’ve been doing some baking rocky road and cupcakes 🧁 missing everyone leila 🌈

  8. Hi, I’ve been doing work and I watched a movie then wrote a report on it it was fun I also go on my trampoline and played games together bye

  9. Hi, I’ve done all of my work and been cooking with Mum and Dad, So far I’ve made some omelettes and spaghetti Bolognese, Samuel

  10. Hi Mrs Panton, I’ve been doing many of the tasks this week – I sent some of my art to Mrs McGarvey to pass on. I’m keeping active with my bike and on the trampoline. I also watched Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix. Harry Potter speaking German was very strange.

    1. Wow Hannah, sounds like you’ve been really busy! I bet he sounds strange in a different accent!

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