Weekly check-in

Following on from Mrs McGarvey’s message on the school app, we thought it would be a good idea to try and keep in touch with each other by posting a short message on the blog each week. Check-ins will be posted on a Thursday and it would be great if you could respond on a Thursday or a Friday.

You just have to post a wee hello and maybe comment on what you’ve been upto during the week. If you could comment on this post, that would be great!

This week I have been doing my daily walk and enjoying the sunshine. I have also been helping a local charity out by cutting up material. The charity are making bags for nurses to keep their uniforms in and make it easier for them to take them home to wash. It takes a lot of measuring and a very steady hand!

I look forward to hearing from all of you!

28 thoughts on “Weekly check-in

  1. Hi miss Panton during the week I have been busy with sumdog ,study ladder,Duolingo and more from Lottie wilders πŸ€ͺπŸ˜‹πŸ™‚πŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ˜€

    1. Hi Lottie! It’s nice to hear from you! I’m glad to hear you’ve been keeping busy! I hope you’ve managed to get out in the sunshine too!

  2. Hi everyone
    I’ve done some school work today, made honeycomb and played on my trampoline with my dog πŸ‘

  3. Hi there everyone! I enjoyed learning about the monkeys yesterday and I’ve been doing my daily diary along with all my other school work. I miss everybody already!πŸ˜’πŸ˜£πŸ˜‘ Fraser

  4. Hi everyone this week I have been doing Duolingo and some Sumdog. I also did some work on the maths factor. I go cycling everyday and sometimes bake a cake . I miss you all from Megan πŸ˜€πŸ˜’

    1. Aw I’m glad you’re managing to get out on your bike Megan! I have been baking lots too, I think we’re all turning into expert bakers!

  5. Hi Mrs Panton I have been doing lots of arts and crafts and going out on my bike every day . And I have been doing lots of cooking and baking as well. miss all of my friends and you so much I hope we get back together soon again . From Leila 🌈

    1. Hi Leila! Aw it sounds like you’re having fun which is the main thing right now! I miss being at school too and I also hope we can get back soon!

  6. Hello everyone

    I have been baking and cycling this week and playing tennis and golf in the garden. My favourite thing to do in lockdown this week is torment my brother Calum but he is trying to do the same to me.

    I have been doing some school work with my Dad and I practiced the 1 to the 19 times table which was boring.

    I am not missing school.

    1. Hi Scot! It sounds like you’ve been doing lots of fun activities! Well, apart from tormenting your brother!

  7. Hi
    I’ve been doing the daily mile with my family, jumping on my trampoline. Doing sumdog, colouring, times tables.

  8. Hi Mrs Panton this week I went on a walk in a woods near my house. I did sumdog the nowhere emporium questions. I also coloured in a rainbow that m friend gave me. I miss not being able to see my friends though.

    1. Hi Alfie! It sounds like you’ve got lots of things to keep you busy which is good! I know, it’s not easy being isolated and away from your friends.

  9. hi mrs panton I have been doing my work and I also made cupcakes and banana bread with my little sister from Katie πŸ™‚

  10. Hi… I have been out on my bike and going on my trampoline. I have also been raging at Fortnite with my friends. πŸ™‚

    1. Sounds like you’ve been managing to keep active as well as playing on your computer Nathan!

  11. Hi Mrs Panton, I cannot see my post so try again. I’m keeping myself busy with trampoline, cycling, drawing, YouTube, piano and some schoolwork, too. Never thought I’d miss school so much.

    1. I know Hannah, I think we all miss school and normality. I’m glad to hear you’re keeping busy though, sounds like you’ve been doing lots of fun things!

  12. Hi Mrs Panton, Samuel Thomas here!
    I’ve been doing all of the work on the blog, sumdog and reading have been the best things. I like doing PE with Joe Wicks but my bro hates itπŸ˜‚ and getting out on my bike with Mum. It was my birthday this week but I still had a great time even though I was on lockdown. I’m missing my friends but keeping in touch on xbox or WhatsApp.

    1. Hi Samuel! It’s lovely to hear from you. Sounds like you’ve been keeping very busy! I’ve tried to keep up with Joe Wicks but I find it very tough. I’m glad to hear you’ve been enjoying it! I know, it’s tough not being able to see people but at least you’re staying in touch with your friends. Happy belated lockdown birthday too!

  13. Hi Scot here

    I have been busy this week getting a new You tube channel and 160 ideas for videos so can’t wait to get filming. My channel is Mad man269 which I chose because it was the first thing that came to my mind.

    I played with my brother this week, did some reading, maths, French, chores around the house (rubbish) and played on my Xbox. My xbox has started making a funny noise and my mum thinks I have worn it out!! I hope it doesn’t break.

    Lockdown is getting a bit boring but its it’s still better than school.

    See ya….

    1. Wow, lots of ideas already! Sounds like you’re going to enjoy filming! Glad to hear you’re keeping busy Scot.

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