Home Learning w/b 20/04/2020

Hello everyone! I hope you all made the most of your Easter holidays and are managing to stay safe.

Now that we’ve all had time to adjust to being at home so much, I will post work up for you each week. Please take your time with tasks and do not stress too much about getting everything completed. Each week I will give you Numeracy, Literacy and other tasks to complete. I will post the answers on a Friday. I will continue to set activities on Duolingo and StudyLadder. Please continue to use Sumdog too. If you have any questions or need help with anything, leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Remember not to rush and complete everything in one day. You might want to create your own timetable and complete 3-4 things each day.  I have included a timetable that you might want to use. Please remember that these tasks are only suggestions, I know you will have lots of other learning opportunities with your adults at home so make sure you continue to do these too! It’s really important to stay as active as you can too.

home learning timetable


Pie Corbett Maths – https://corbettmathsprimary.com/ – please have a look at the 5-a-day maths questions. There are 4 different levels so you should choose the ones you think will challenge you. Try to complete one each day.  The answers are at the bottom of the page so you can check them when you are finished each day.

MM: Go to the Pie Corbett website, click ‘Videos and Worksheets’ and click on the ‘Think of a Number’ video. Watch that and complete the worksheet. Complete the following two pages:

function machines1

function machines 2

Challenge: Can you remember how to work out the percentage of an amount?

E.g. 25% of 28 = ?

Remember, 25% is the same as 1/4, so to work out 25% you would divide 28 by 4. The answer would be 7. Try this worksheet.

percentage of amount


DD:  Click this link: Perimeter and watch the video. (This should be a recap as we did cover this in class a few weeks ago!) Have a go at answering some of the practice questions.  Have a go at the following worksheets too.


measure and perimeter

As a challenge, why don’t you work out the perimeter of each room in your house, or your garden?

AA: Go to the Pie Corbett website, click ‘Videos and Worksheets’ and click on the ‘Addition’ Video. Watch that and complete the worksheet, try as much as you can! I have included 2d+2d, 3d+3d and 4d+4d so you can complete whichever ones you feel comfortable with!

2d + 2d

3d + 3d

4d + 4d

Challenge: 2, 4, 6, 8 challenge



Grammar: I have set some tasks for you to complete on Sumdog.

Writing: Write a diary entry each day this week explaining your day. Try to include three different headings: what you did, how you felt and one thing you miss.


AA: Make sure you have read chapter 27 + 28 of The Nowhere Emporium and complete the following tasks. 

Ch 27 + 28 Nowhere Emporium

FF: Write a book review for The Borrowers. I have included a template that you might find useful. Select a book you would like to read, write down 5 facts you know just by looking at the front cover and a further 3 facts you know just by looking at the blurb on the back.

book review

CC: Write a book review for Poppet. I have included a template that you might find useful. Select a book you would like to read, write down 5 facts you know just by looking at the front cover and a further 3 facts you know just by looking at the blurb on the back.

book review CC


Gold: Suggested activities – test an adult, write a paragraph using your words, Stop the Bus, write the definitions of your homophones, create a wordsearch.

Silver: Try to find as many ‘f, ff, ph’ words in the picture and highlight your phoneme in the phoneme story. You could also write new sentences with the words you highlight.

f phoneme picture

f phoneme story

Bronze: Can you think of any other words that have the phoneme ‘g’? Think about how you pronounce the ‘g’ in these words. You could also create a wordsearch, test and adult, bubble writing, write your words in alphabetical order. You can also highlight the ‘g’ words in the phoneme story and write new sentences with the words you find.

g phoneme story


I’m sure you will all have heard of Captain Tom Moore who has been raising money for the NHS by walking 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday. So far he has raised over £25 million! Wow! His birthday is actually on the 30th April which is really soon. For a creative activity, I thought it would be nice to design a birthday card for Captain Tom.  His address is available online so you could even send it if you want!


Health and Wellbeing:

Lastly, BBC Bitesize will be posting lessons daily, with a variety of topics. During the following weeks I could possibly set these as work but feel free to have a look/complete any tasks that you want to.

bitesize daily lessons

Stay safe, happy and healthy everyone!

13 thoughts on “Home Learning w/b 20/04/2020

    1. Hi Rachael! How are you?
      One of the tasks is to spend 30 minutes working on Duolingo and the other was a recap on the ‘basics’ task that you completed a few weeks ago. Feel free to complete any other tasks if you would rather!

      1. Thanks, I’m just starting my french now!
        I am doing alright, though it’s quite boring at home.
        How are you?

        1. I’m fine thank you Rachael. It’s very strange trying to get used to being at home all the time isn’t it? I must say, I am missing you all!

  1. Hi Mrs Panton its Katie I cant find the following video on the Corbett maths website

    MM: Go to the Pie Corbett website, click ‘Videos and Worksheets’ and click on the ‘Find a Number’ video. Watch that and complete the worksheet. Complete the following two pages:

    Thanks for the timetable its great

    1. Hi Nathan, how are you?
      Thank you for letting me know, I’ve had a look and updated it so hopefully it works now!

  2. Room 12 how are you all doing? I hope you managed to enjoy Easter and ate plenty of chocolate, I certainly did. Just checking that you’re all okay under these awful circumstances. Stay safe everyone! (Mr. Campbell) 🙂

  3. I keep thinking this is a zombie movie, everyones inside no ones outside, the end of the world!

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