Home Learning w/b 30/03/2020

Hello everyone, I hope you’re adjusting to being at home so much and I hope you are all still safe and well.

For this week, I will give each group spelling words and some reading work. Please continue to use Sumdog, StudyLadder and Duolingo. I have added some activities to StudyLadder and Duolingo. Sumdog have opened up their website so have a look at the Literacy activities you can complete too.

Please also have a look at BBC Bitesize .There are lots of activities you could complete too.

This is a very good website for Writing. Each day there is a new image with some questions and writing ideas. If you choose to do any remember to send them to the email address at the bottom of this email so I can read them!


Spelling: Gold group – Choose 3 of your homophones and write the definitions, write your paragraph with at least four of your words. You could maybe test an adult once you’re finished.

Silver group – You have a new phoneme this week which is ‘f’. This can be represented by using ‘f’, ‘ph’, or ‘ff’. For one activity, please complete a phoneme table, finding as many words for each phoneme representation. For your other activities, you can complete activities from the spelling sheet.

Bronze group – Please complete 2 activities from the spelling activity sheet. For your other activities, you can write the definition of four of your words and use them in sentences.



Reading: Apostrophes – I will upload some tasks relating to chapter 25 and 26 of the Nowhere Emporium. I will post the answers up next week, so take your time!

Nowhere Emporium – Page 15

Full Stops – I will upload tasks for chapter 18, 19 and 20. I will post the answers up next week so take your time!

the borrowers ch 18-20

Commas – I will upload tasks for chapters 7+8. I will post the answers up next week so take your time!

poppet ch 7-8

Please remember to try and stay active too! Have you all been trying The Body Coach? I have and I found it really hard! Please do not stress too much about getting through all the work, I know you will be doing plenty of things with your adults at home and that is the main thing!

Remember, if you have any pictures you want to send of your home learning then please email gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk with your room number (12) and my name in the subject box.


Stay safe everyone!


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