Week beginning 16/09/19

Hello everyone!

Homework for this week is as follows:

Reading: Clever Commas can read chapter 3 of Quackers. The other two groups should read a book of their choice for at least 10 minutes a day.



The Gold group should complete 3 activities from the sheet. For your fourth activity, please find as many other words as you can that have the prefix ‘a’ or ‘anti’.

The Silver and Bronze group should both complete 4 activities from the list.

Numeracy: You should aim to play Sumdog for at least 10 minutes each day. It would also be helpful for you to practise your times tables daily.

Newsround: Please watch Newsround and summarise a story in your jotter.

Bonus piece of homework! 

As we read Wonder through the week, we met a new character called Mr Browne. Mr Browne uses Precepts to make sure everyone stays positive and follows rules. His first precept was ‘When given the choice between right or being kind, choose kind.’ Can you think of your own positive precept?


Have a great week!

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