Monthly Archives: September 2019

Week beginning 23/09/19

Hi everyone! It’s a short week this week so remember not to come into school on Friday!

Homework tasks for the week are as follows:

Reading: Clever Commas, you are going to read chapter 4 of ‘Quackers.’ Everyone else should aim to read a book of their choice for at least 10 minutes each day.

Spelling: As it is a shorter week this week, you should complete three activities. Bronze and Silver group should complete 3 activities from the sheet. Gold group should complete two activities from the sheet. For your other task, you should think of as many words that have the suffix ‘able/ible’.


Numeracy: Please log in to Sumdog and play for at least 10 minutes.

Newsround: As always, watch an episode of Newsround and summarise a story you find interesting in your jotter.


Bonus homework!

We have been reading Wonder this week and we started section 2 which is about how Via views the world. There was a quote from a David Bowie song called ‘Space Oddity’. Can you listen to the song and write down what you think about the song?


Have an excellent week and an excellent September weekend!


Week beginning 16/09/19

Hello everyone!

Homework for this week is as follows:

Reading: Clever Commas can read chapter 3 of Quackers. The other two groups should read a book of their choice for at least 10 minutes a day.



The Gold group should complete 3 activities from the sheet. For your fourth activity, please find as many other words as you can that have the prefix ‘a’ or ‘anti’.

The Silver and Bronze group should both complete 4 activities from the list.

Numeracy: You should aim to play Sumdog for at least 10 minutes each day. It would also be helpful for you to practise your times tables daily.

Newsround: Please watch Newsround and summarise a story in your jotter.

Bonus piece of homework! 

As we read Wonder through the week, we met a new character called Mr Browne. Mr Browne uses Precepts to make sure everyone stays positive and follows rules. His first precept was ‘When given the choice between right or being kind, choose kind.’ Can you think of your own positive precept?


Have a great week!

Week beginning 09/09/19

Hello! Hope you all had a nice weekend!

This week’s homework is as follows:

Spelling: Choose 4 activities from the list given. The Gold and Silver group should also find as many words as they can which fit either of their spelling rules.

Reading: Clever Commas – Chapter 2 of Quackers. The two other groups should aim to read a book of their choice for at least 10 minutes each night.

Numeracy: Log into Sumdog and play for at least 10 minutes each night.

Newsround: Please watch any episode of Newsround this week and write a summary about an interesting story. Some of the summaries will be shared in class.


Remember to bring in your topic research tomorrow to use in class!

Topic Homework 04/09/19

Room 12 have been learning about the feudal system in Medieval Scotland. As discussed in class, each group has been given a section to research.

  • Kings –  The Yeeting Donkeys + Five Wiggly Worms +1
  • Lords –  Demon Dogs + Savage Squirrels
  • Peasants –  Funky Monkeys + Golden Gorillas

Your task is to find out as much as you can on what life would have been like for someone in your chosen section of society during Medieval times.

Research to find information such as:

  • Food and drink
  • Clothing
  • Jobs
  • Living conditions/housing
  • Income/taxes
  • What people did for fun
  • Any other interesting facts

You can write facts in your homework or you can print information. Pictures may be helpful too.

We will be using your research in class on Tuesday 10th Sept so please make sure you have your homework completed and handed in by this date.


Thank you!

Week beginning 02/09/19

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

This week’s homework is as follows:

Spelling: Spelling words are listed below. A spelling activity sheet has been issued and one activity should be completed each night.

Reading: Clever Commas have been issued with ‘Quackers’. Please read chapter 1 over the week.

Amazing Apostrophes should read an article or online piece and summarise in their own words.

Numeracy: Please continue to use Sumdog and aim for at least 10 minutes each day.

Newsround: Please watch Newsround (it can be from any day). As a class we will share and listen to the stories we found interesting.


Hope you all have a great week!