Bullet Express: A Greener Future From A Logistics Point Of View

Bullet Express: A Greener Future From A Logistics Point Of View

By Beth Mackay & Declan Miller.

Many businesses will be affected by UK emissions regulations, to find out more we have got in contact with David McCutcheon, the CEO and joint owner of a logistics company called Bullet Express.

When speaking with David, we asked him if he had any intentions of using electric lorries in the future. He responded by informing us that this technology is in its early stages. Unfortunately batteries are currently not advanced enough to handle the weight that their lorries carry. However, he did mention that eventually hydrogen will allow a greener future for the transport industry.

Installing solar panels | A solar panel is lifted into place… | Flickr

Although David said he had no intention of using electric lorries in the near future, he did share his plans to make the warehouses and depots more green, with technology such as solar panels. He spoke about the investment return being better in recent years, instead of getting the investment back in 12 years it will now only take 4 years. This makes it a better business investment opportunity for companies who are looking to go green and it may also encourage other companies to choose the greener option.

In the near future he is looking at taking more practical action for change within Bullet Express. David stated that due to the shape of the roofs that their buildings have it causes water to run off and lie on the ground, he said that using this water for things such as washing their lorries and using it in the bathrooms would reduce the amount of waste.

At the moment the logistics industry are making small changes towards a greener future however, due to the large size of lorries the technology behind making them more environmentally friendly is taking a lot longer than it has been for cars. The industry is prepared to change now all we need is for technology to progress.




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