Orkney’s Chief Executive Tells Us About The Islands’ Plans To Tackle Climate Change

Orkney’s Chief Executive Tells Us About The Islands’ Plans To Tackle Climate Change

Before you even start reading this story, be warned. When you finish reading, you will want to travel to the Orkney Islands. We’ve already booked our tickets here at CEN.

Today, we interviewed the Interim Chief Executive of Orkney Islands Council, John Mundell. Mr Mundell is responsible for an awful lot, but looking after all of the services the council provides, like education and roads for example, is what he does most.

In our interview, we discussed the work that Mr Mundell and his council are doing to reduce their carbon footprint, partially caused by the number of ferries that have to go back and forth from their different islands to provide essential services to islanders.

Mr Mundell shared his hopes and aspirations (wishes) for this year’s COP26. In his interview, he also speaks about the electricity transmission link he proposed to the Scottish Government to make Scotland more eco-friendly – and to save money!

The Interim Chief Executive also discussed new renewable energy sources like hydrogen and wind, as well as some innovative ideas they have devised (come up with) to reduce the carbon footprint on the Islands – like drones. Yes, you read that right – drones!

We were thrilled to be invited to speak to Mr Mundell and learn all about the Orkney Islands. Learning about how rural areas and islands can adapt to deal with climate change is very important. The Orkney Islands certainly seem to be leading the way.

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