What’s Happening At Carnwath Primary School?

What’s Happening At Carnwath Primary School?

Throughout the country, primary schools have begun to become more and more engaged with the causes and effects of climate change. This has been exemplified (shown) by Carnwath Primary School, who have been raising awareness of climate change actions in their classrooms.

What have the school been doing?

Mrs J Bradford at Carnwath Primary School was speaking to us about the amazing work being done there by pupils and staff. She listed the many things that the school is doing for the environment, such as:

  • Composting left-over lunches which helps to reduce the amount of waste being sent to landfill sites (where our rubbish is sent).
  • Growing vegetables in their own orchard.
  • Getting bird feeders to attract different species of birds to the school community.
  • Building bug hotels in the playground, which provides a range of different habitats for wild animals.

At the primary school, they are also having open discussions in class around COP26. The primary 4 class incorporated the effects of climate change into their artwork by designing drawings of polar bears and the melting ice caps.


This primary school is a clear example of how young children can become much more involved with the challenge in helping to solve global warming. The pupils and staff have been eager to ensure that the crisis has been included as a part of the young people’s learning experiences.


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