Barack Obama’s Speech – What Did He Say?

Barack Obama’s Speech – What Did He Say?

What is the speech about?

Obama spoke about the world’s current situation with climate change. He believes we need to work together and aim for a “clean and sustainable future.”

He spoke about the success of the Paris Agreement so far. The Paris Agreement was made 6 years ago, which saw many countries making commitments to help beat climate change by limiting the rise in global temperatures. This was when Barack Obama was President of the United States. As Obama is no longer the president, he is not required to attend events such as COP26 – but he does because he cares about our planet. 

He was also seen to be heavily involved in the success of the Paris Agreement, so it matters to his legacy. A legacy are the things someone does that makes them memorable in years to come.

Some Positive Outcomes So Far At COP26

  • More than 100 countries have agreed to reduce methane emissions by 2030 (methane is a green house gas that is negatively affecting our planet).
  • More than 100 countries have committed to stopping and reversing deforestation (the cutting down of trees) by 2030.
  • Businesses have pledged to create markets for new technology for green energy.
  • 700 cities in 50 countries said they would cut emissions by the end of the century.

Who is Obama?

Barack Obama was America’s 44th President. Today, he has travelled from America to come to Scotland so he can make a speech for COP26. He spoke at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow. He was welcomed to cheers from onlookers. He later visited the University of Strathclyde, where he became an honorary member of their student union.

What needs to be done?

Obama claimed that “time is running out” but “meaningful progress has been made”, which means we are heading in the right direction. We still have a long way to go but there are plans in motion. He thinks we need to work collectively (together) as well as individually, as we are currently falling short of what is needed. There has been an increase in flooding, drought and severe storms to name a few of the harmful effects of climate change.

Follow Barack Obama’s speech as it happened here.


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