Why Does Renewable Energy Matter?

Why Does Renewable Energy Matter?

By Erin Stewart

What is renewable energy?

Renewable energy is a way that we can generate electricity by using natural resources like wind, sunlight and water.

Right now, humans mostly burn fossil fuels, which are materials like coal, gas and oil, to create electricity. Yet this is very harmful to the environment. These resources will eventually run out and they cost a lot of money too meaning their impact is very damaging.

So instead, scientists developed ways to capture renewable energy as natural resources like sunlight and wind cannot run out like coal. Better yet, it is kinder to our planet so it does not make climate change worse.

45274-001: Scaling Up Renewable Energy Access in Eastern Indonesia (Sumba Iconic Island Initiative)


Why is it important?

When we burn fossil fuels like oil, they release greenhouse gases that trap heat in our planet’s atmosphere and cause global warming. So, if we burn less fossil fuels, global warming will slow down a lot.

That’s why renewable energy is so important, because instead of burning fossil fuels to generate electricity, we can use natural resources that don’t create harmful gases and so won’t worsen climate change.


Is it being used instead of fossil fuels?

Most places across the world already use some renewable energy, but fossil fuels are still their main source of electricity. But at COP26, more than 40 countries agreed to phase out coal fired-power meaning that a cleaner and healthier future can be ensured. Although this agreement does not involve nations like China and the USA that contribute greatly to global warming, it still includes places like Poland that consume lots of coal to generate electricity

If they are successful, people and businesses across the world will be producing less harmful gases and climate change will slow down and hopefully even reverse.




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