World Leaders Use Fossil Fuels To Get To COP26

World Leaders Use Fossil Fuels To Get To COP26

by Jonathan Gamble 02/10/21

After the first couple of days at the COP26 event in Glasgow, we have had the chance to see many of the world leaders, activists and delegates attending the conference. These include, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, President of the United States Joe Biden, world renowned activist Greta Thunberg and many others.  

 While the conference marks a crucial (important) point in our journey to fight against the Climate Crisis, it is not without controversy (strong feelings), particularly surrounding how some of those attending the conference have decided to travel there.  

Joe Biden spotted outside Greggs in Glasgow's Finnieston - and people react | Glasgow Times

The President of the USA has seemed to be the main contributor to this issue. He himself was flown into Edinburgh Airport via Air Force One and then escorted by between 40 and 60 vehicles during the journey to Glasgow. This has sparked major controversy in relation to the event, as its purpose is to find solutions to cut Co2 emissions and other threats to the world’s climate. 

Biden was not the only one in attendance to be scrutinised over his chosen travel arrangements. Many other world leaders have been seen flying into Scottish airports using hundreds of private jets, which themselves eat up ridiculous amounts of fuel and collectively spit out around 13,000 tonnes of Co2 emissions. 

Many are outraged by this fact, especially the advocates here in Glasgow at the time of the event who have made the effort to get here in the “greenest” ways possible as we have seen from key figures such as Greta Thumberg. The 18 year old “climate-iconmanaged to put world leaders to shame by getting here by public transport.

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